European policy co-operation and development in education and training Sophia Eriksson Waterschoot Advisor European Commission Directorate-General for.


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Presentation transcript:

European policy co-operation and development in education and training Sophia Eriksson Waterschoot Advisor European Commission Directorate-General for Education and Culture

2 Structure of presentation 1. How does the unique EU open method of coordination work? 2. Results of latest European semester – Europe 2020 strategy 3. EU programmes on education and training 4. New EU modernisation agenda on higher education

3 1. EU co-operation and development in education and training Political co-operation: Europe 2020 Growth and Jobs strategy, Education and Training 2020 Open Method of Coordination Programmes: Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus Mundus, Youth in Action

4 Education and Training Open Method of Coordination: unique way for countries to cooperate and develop policy (1) Common objectives, EU benchmarks, national targets Monitoring of progress: indicators, joint reports, country specific recommendations Covers all sectors of education: common and specific agendas

5 Education and Training Open Method of Coordination: unique way for countries to cooperate and develop policy (2) Mutual learning EU reference tools supporting national reforms (e.g. European Qualifications Framework – learning outcomes) Comparative studies

6 Does this method work? More focused policy addressing strategic common challenges Member States benefit from cooperation – by learning from each other Peer pressure can help push through difficult reforms Despite diversities between countries, it is possible to move in the same direction

7 Quality & efficiency Innovation & creativity (incl. entrepreneurship) Equity, social cohesion & citizenship Lifelong learning + mobility Strategic challenges 2020

8 Quality & Efficiency languages, teacher training governance/funding, skills Creativity & Innovation key competences innovative institutions partnership Equity, social cohesion & citizenship ESL, pre-primary migrants, SNE Lifelong Learning & Mobility LLL strategies EQF, mobility Priorities

9 EU benchmarks for 2020 – matched with national targets 95% of children between 4 and start of compulsory education participate in early childhood education Less than 15% low-achievers in reading, maths and science (PISA) less than 10% early education leavers 40% of years olds with tertiary attainment 15% of adults participate in lifelong learning

1010 Benchmark already achieved:  Mathematics, science and technology graduates Constant, but not sufficient progress:  Early school leavers  Upper secondary attainment  Lifelong learning participation Deteriorating results:  Low achievers in reading literacy Progress on benchmarks since 2000

11 National targets – Early school leaving EU 2020 level based on national targets: 10.3 – 10.5 %

12 Investment and Early school leaving

13 National targets – Higher education EU 2020 level based on national targets: %

14 Investment and Higher education

15 2. Results from the latest European Semester – OMC in practice  January 2011: Commission presents Annual Growth Survey – common goals set March: European Council – politically endorsed by Member States April: National Reform Programmes May: Commission analysis – do national goals reflect EU challenges? June: Country-specific recommendations

16 Annual Growth Survey (2011) Focus on immediate response to the economic crisis Call for growth enhancing investment in education Link investment to necessary reforms

17 Bottlenecks in a specific country Highly skilled population, but Vocational education and training (VET) not attractive Youth unemployment, share of unemployed tertiary graduates : high → skills mismatch Low participation in lifelong learning (low-skilled, older people and unemployed), given good educational levels

18 Europe 2020 June package Country Specific Recommendations on education 11 on lifelong learning, VET and skills for the labour market (AT, CY, DK, EE, ES, FR, LU, MT, PL, SI, SK) 5 on early school leaving (AT, DK, ES, MT, UK) 5 on tertiary education (BG, CZ, MT, PL, SK) 3 on pre-school education (BG, DE, EE) 1 on school education (BG)

19 3. EU programmes on education and training, (8.8 billion €) Lifelong learning programme (Erasmus, Comenius, Leonardo, Grundtvig): mobility, cooperation, partnerships, policy support Erasmus Mundus: joint programmes EU and non-EU Youth in Action: participation in society, volunteering, etc.

20 Multi-Annual Financial Framework, (proposal) Commission proposal for a multi-annual budget for : 1,025 billion € (1.05 % of GNI) in June billion € proposed for education, training and youth (+73 %): Focus on developing skills and mobility (up to 800,000 mobilities per year) Proposal for the new education, training and youth programme expected by November 2011

21 4. Commission Communication on Modernisation of Higher Education, adopted on 20th September! More focus on employability of graduates Quality of teaching Connect better education, research, business to trigger more innovation Increasing attractiveness of European higher education

22 THANK YOU! For more information on EU cooperation in education and training, see: