Development of apprenticeship in Ireland NCGE Forum 25 May 2016 Mary-Liz Trant & James Eustace, SOLAS
September 2016 Finance-related High level manufacturing and engineering Service-related Roll out of first tranche of new apprenticeships
New apprenticeships Enterprise-led NFQ Levels %+ on the job 2-4 years in duration All regions of the country Building on strong tradition of apprenticeship in Ireland
Ireland has decided to invest in apprenticeship mode of education and training because it: Ensures an enterprise-led role in the design and assessment of flexible and responsive apprenticeship programmes Improves the competitiveness of companies Opens up rewarding careers for a large segment of the population Ensures that learning in an education or training institution is strongly grounded in the practical experience of undertaking a real job Supplies job-ready employees Provides an ideal learning mode for those who learn best by doing Review of apprenticeship in Ireland (2014)
Rethinking apprenticeship EU-wide transformation and development
To-date: First Call for proposals Jan 2015 Minister announces first 25 for development July 2015 Plans approved by Apprenticeship Council, development funding awarded Dec’15-May ‘16 New apprenticeships in development Jan 2016, ongoing Apprenticeship occupational profiles for approval by Apprenticeship Council; validation; arrangements for statutory status – Industrial Training Orders, consultation; Rules; registration of employers and apprentices May – Sept 2016, ongoing 86 assessed by Apprenticeship Council Mar-June 2015 Consortia form, develop plans Aug-Dec 2015 Apprenticeship Council formed Oct 2014 Review of apprenticeship in Ireland published Jan 2014
25 apprenticeships approved for development July 2015 Accounting technician L6 Insurance practitioner L8 International Financial Services (IFS) associate L6 IFS specialist L8 IFS advanced specialist L9 Baker L6 Butcher and fresh food retailer L6 Commis chef L6 (x2 proposals) Sous chef L7 Chef de partie L8 Executive chef L9 Telecommunications field technician L6 Network engineer L6 Software developer L6 Manufacturing technician L7 Manufacturing engineer L8 Polymer processing engineer L7 Industrial electrical engineer L7 OEM technician L6 Craft welder L5 Advanced craft welder L6 HGV driver L5 Warehouse distribution operative L6 Travel professional L7
Development challenges ahead Providing information and access – for potential apprentices; for employers Transforming status - apprenticeship valued and sought after Creating a coherent apprenticeship system Increasing participation of women, social inclusion goals Embedding apprenticeship as a high-impact option for school leavers and as part of lifelong learning
National skills strategy target of 50,000 apprenticeship and traineeship places provided by 2020 Goal to have 100 apprenticeship options in Ireland
Question for today: What steps do we need to take collectively to establish apprenticeship as a large-scale, sought-after option for skills development and employment in Ireland?