Conservation Status in Jordan Eng. Raed Bani Hani Nature Protection Director Ministry of Environment IUCN West Asia 8 th Regional Conservation Forum (


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Presentation transcript:

Conservation Status in Jordan Eng. Raed Bani Hani Nature Protection Director Ministry of Environment IUCN West Asia 8 th Regional Conservation Forum ( RCF ) Amman – Jordan 10-12/Nov/2015

Jordan is considered a meeting point for three continents: Asia, Africa, and Europe. Although Jordan is a relatively small country;90,000sqkm, it is characterized by supporting a remarkable variety of wildlife habitats and many endemic and important species. Unique and special plant species, mammals, birds and reptiles and amphibians were recorded in Jordan.

Jordan reserve map

Jordan’s IUCN Network Jordan has a very distinguished and active Environmental Associations which vary in all environmental components specialty 17 are IUCN members ( Gov + NGOs )

A lot of amazing good work has been done by our environmental associations And For mentioning not limiting

-The first and the specialized NGO in Jordan dedicated for the conservation of the marine life in Jordan, and established in The first NGO in Jordan and the region to partnership with the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), which includes 79 countries all over the world, and currently responsible to implement its program in Jordan and the Middle East area -The first organization authorized and capable of certifying sustainable tourism sector establishment including hotels and beaches in Jordan and the region -Created the first criteria's for Eco-Friendly desert camps, which was adopted by FEE as the first criteria's worldwide

The Royal Botanic Garden (RBG) of Jordan is a non-profit organization founded in 2005 The Royal Botanic Garden (RBG) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) agreed to collaborate in implementing the Preliminary Red List Assessment of the Plants of Jordan. It is part of a project to carry out a comprehensive Red List assessment of the whole checklist of the plants of Jordan. The overall objective of the project is to prepare and publish Jordan Plant Red List.

Jordan Plant Red List – Volume 1 First Red Data Book in Jordan 35% of the total plant species assessed It Coveres different habitats of Jordan It contains 1072 assessed species 40,000 records have been used