Strenghtening of internationalization of B&H higher education, STINT STINT Kick off meeting_Ghent, 25-26/01/2016 Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance
Pursuant to the Framework Law on Higher Education in BiH, HEA’s competences in field of accreditation are as follows: set clear, transparent and accessible criteria for accreditation of higher education institutions and study programmes and adopt norms setting minimum standards in higher education set criteria for selection of experts (basis for the List of Experts) appoint expert panels, on the basis of a proposal by the competent education authorities give recommendations on accreditation to the competent education authorities on the basis of the opinion of the expert panel assess compliance of decisions on accreditation, issued by competent education authorities, with norms and criteria enter accredited HEIs in the National Register of Accredited HEIs maintain a National register of accredited higher education institutions publish a List of accredited higher education institutions at and in The Official Gazette of BiH HEA competences
Regulations on accreditation Framework Law on HE in BiH (FLHE) Laws on HE (cantons, entity Republika Srpska and Brčko District) Rulebooks on accreditation procedures of competent education authorities Criteria for Accreditation of HEIs in BiH Criteria for Accreditation of Study Programmes Decision on Norms for Setting Minimum Standards in Higher Education in BiH Accreditation process in BiH is a shared responsibility Accreditation in B&H
Dynamic of accreditation process was not same in the entire country (due to different reasons); Until 2015 accreditation started in all cantons with higher education institutions Only in Brčko District accreditation process still didn’t started At the moment there are 18 HEIs listed in the National register of Accredited HEIs 12 HEIs in the process of accreditation Accreditation in B&H
University of East Sarajevo, 2013 University of Banja Luka, 2013 University of Business Studies, 2013 Banja Luka College, 2013 Independent University Banja Luka, 2013 College of Communicology Kappa Phi Banja Luka, 2014 University Sinergy Bijeljina, 2014 University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, Sarajevo, 2014 College for Service Business, Sokolac, 2014 University of Zenica, 2014 International University of Sarajevo, 2014 University of Sarajevo, 2014 International Burch University, Sarajevo, 2014 HEIs listed in the National Register of Accredited HEIs
University of Tuzla, 2015 University Džemal Bijedić, 2015 University of Mostar, 2015 "Logos centar" College Mostar, 2015 University of Bihać, 2015 HEIs listed in the National Register of Accredited HEIs
In 18 experts’ evalution reports Criterion International cooperationis was assesed as: Fully complied in 5 cases, and as Substiantiall complied in 13 cases Assesment of Criteria In 18 cases Criteria Fully compliant Substantially compliant Partially compliant No compliant 1. development and strategy of higher education institution management, internal quality assurance and quality culture procedures for quality assurance of study programmes student assessment procedures; human resources quality of physical resources information systems public information international cooperation 51300
To continue with strenghtening capacities of all partners in the accreditaion process HEA, competent education authorities, experts, HEIs in the context of HR and procedures External evaluation reports (to be more evidenced and analysed based) Training of experts Roles of experts Accreditation criteria /consistent interpretation of criteria Whole process and its steps Reading and analysing SER Practical issues (site visit simulation, role-play) Writing Experts‘ report Areas for improvement in the accreditation process
Third call for experts published, April 2015 Training of national experts, May and July 2015; Experts Training Manual developed 4 Workshops for HEIs organized 2 study visit for HEIs and HEAARS in Austria 4 internships for HEA staff in Austria Meetings and workshops with competent education authorities Finalized revision of the Criteria for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions according to the revised ESG (2015), but still not entered into force Consolidated criteria are more generic and leaves room for interpretation, appreciating the diversity of higher education institutions in BiH Guidelines are examples of good practice and one of the possible ways of fully complience of criteria, and should contribute to a more coherent and consistent assessment of their eligibility HEA in
Finalized revision of the Criteria for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions according to the revised ESG (2015) a) strategy of higher education institution b) internal quality assurance and quality development c) quality assurance of study programmes d) Students e) human resources f) Infrastructure g) information management h) public information i) internationalisation Concept for accreditation of study programmes is proposed HEA in
In 2015 HEA published third Call for experts New list of experts is created, and after all CEAs give confirmation on the list, it will be published List of national and international experts ( ) 1.Еxperts - representatives of the academic community in BiH (169) 2.Experts – representatives of business and practice (66) 3.International experts (124) 4.Students (30) -3 Total: 389 (-3) Trained: cca 260 Number of new experts at the List: 22 experts- representatives of BiH academic community, 6 International experts, 19 experts- representatives of students, 13 experts-representatives of economy and practice Call for experts
In May and July 2015 HEA organized 4 trainings (2 in Banja Luka and 2 in Sarajevo) 60 experts have been trained Topics of the trainings (theoretical and practical) Roles of experts Accreditation criteria Whole process and its steps Reading and analysing SER Practical issues (site visit simulation, role-play) Writing Experts‘ report Expert Training Manual was developed Activity was realised with suport of the Twinning project „Strenghtening Institutional Capacity for QA“ Training of experts
Revised Criteria for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions according to the revised ESG (adopted in Jerevan, May 2015) will enter into force Revision of the Decision on Norms Determining Minimum Standards Revision of the Criteria for Accreditation of Study programmes is in the process/ consultation with all stakeholders Arguments in favour of amending/revising criteria Revised ESG Institutional accreditation criteria consolidated Need to align the form and terminology used in both sets of criteria, alignment of the methodological and style approaches with the institutional accreditation criteria SP accreditation has not yet begun and they need to be revised in order to initiate and complete the process using the same criteria Training of new experts Continuation of activities on improvement accreditation process in order to be more compliant with the ESG, based on experience from the first cycle Twinning experts’ recommendations Plans for
Agencija za razvoj visokog obrazovanja i obezbjeđivanje kvaliteta BA – Banja Luka, Ulica akademika Jovana Surutke 13 T: , F: