Early Life Born April 1, 1908 in Brooklyn, New York Died in Menlo Park, California on June 8, 1970 First of seven children born to his Jewish parents who emigrated from Russia
Education 1926: Studied law at City College of New York 1928: Switched to the University of Wisconsin Bachelor's degree in 1930 Master's degree in 1931 Doctorate in 1934 Harry Harlow served as his doctoral advisor
Career Began teaching at Brooklyn College in 1937 Continued to work as school faculty until ’s: Became one of the founders and driving forces behind Humanistic Psychology
Motives Previous psychology focused on abnormalities/illness Maslow wanted to know what constituted positive mental health Formulated a positive account of behavior Hierarchy of Needs
Influence on Psychology Proposed the idea of focusing not on what's wrong with us, but what's right with us Groundbreaking studies on personality and motivation Synergy: Work teams in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
“The science of psychology has been far more successful on the negative than on the positive side. It has revealed to us much about our shortcomings, illnesses and sins, but little about our potential, virtues, achievable aspirations, or psychological health” ~ Abraham Maslow
References “Abraham Maslow” (1998). PBS Org. Retrieved from Cherry, K. (2014). Biography of Abraham Maslow. About Education. Retrieved from maslow.htm Hall, M. H. (1968). A conversation with Abraham Maslow. Psychology Today, pp , Hergenhahn, B. R., & Olson, M. H. (1999). An Introduction to: Theories of Personality. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Hoffman, E. (2011). The life and legacy of Abraham Maslow. Psychology Today. Retrieved from experience/201109/the-life-and-legacy-abraham-maslow