Revista Media Kit
In every issue you can find… Technical and technological articles Financial and market information Articles with various points of view Statistical information CEFAMOL news News from companies and the sector in general
Subscribers Companies Industry technicians and workers Educational institutions: Schools Universities Training centres Other national and international organisations and public bodies connected to the industry. 49% 17% 5% 29% Subscriber Profile CompaniesIndustry technicians and workers Educational institutionsOther organisations
Geographical distribution Companies Subscribers Events organized by Cefamol ( Seminars, Workshops, Conferences, Training courses, International Promotional events for the industry) International bodies Points of sale. 52% 28% 8% 9% 2%1% Geographical distribution of readers Marinha Grande Oliveira de Azeméis Lisbon Porto Europe Outside Europe
Newsletter Launched in October 2007, the “O Molde” Newsletter, due to its regular publication and ease of distribution, provides improved and faster information for an ever increasing number of technicians and companies linked to the moulds industry. Fortnightly publication Digital format Exclusive advantages for advertisers in “O Molde” magazine
Features of the Newsletter With a new design, specifically orientated towards technical and technological news or the promotion of events, we offer the following exclusive advantages for advertisers in “O Molde” magazine: Insertion of company logotype, with a direct link to the respective website Publication of Press-Releases, brief news on new products or technologies Consult previously published issues of “O Molde” Newsletter or subscribe on our website
Advertising Price List 2008 OUTSIDE BACK OVER NumbersPriceLinks Press Releases Extra Link Extra Press Release ,00€10 months1030,00€ ,00€10 months830,00€ ,00€8 months660,00€ ,00€6 months490,00€ REVERSE FRONT & BACK COVERS NumbersPriceLinks Press Releases Extra Link Extra Press Release ,00€10 months830,00€ ,00€10 months730,00€ ,00€8 months560,00€ ,00€5 months390,00€ 1 PAGE NumbersPriceLinks Press Releases Extra Link Extra Press Release ,00€8 months560,00€ ,00€8 months460,00€ ,00€6 months390,00€ ,00€3 months1115,00€
Advertising Price List 2008 Inserts: For information on inserts, please consult central services at CEFAMOL 1/2 PAGE NumbersPriceLinks Press Releases Extra Link Extra Press Release ,00€5 months390,00€ ,00€4 months290,00€ ,00€3 months2115,00€ 1 575,00€0 months0150,00€ 1/4 PAGE NumbersPriceLinks Press Releases Extra Link Extra Press Release ,00€3 months2115,00€ 3 880,00€0 months1115,00€ 2 620,00€0 months0150,00€ 1 345,00€0 months0150,00€
Advantages of being an advertiser Increased brand awareness for the advertiser in the mould, special tools and plastics industry Promotion of the advertiser through the “O Molde” magazine and newsletter Publication of press releases on new products and services Link to the advertiser’s website Significant reduction in price when advertising in more than one issue Cefamol members entitled to 5% discount on every item published in the magazine Free distribution of magazine to Cefamol members.
Technical description Characteristics: Publication: quarterly Paper: couché matt 125 g Interior with 52 pages Circulation: 1500 copies 4 colour cover with couché matt 250 gr plasticized card Dimensions: A4 Format (210mm high x 297mm wide)
Regulations for advertisements Final art work for adverts to be published in “O Molde” magazine must be received by CEFAMOL 1 month before publication Work should be in Windows or MacOS, using the following applications: 9.0, Adobe Page Maker 6.5, Adobe Photoshop 6.0, Macromedia Freehand 9.0, QuarkXPress 4.03 When digital images are included (e.g.: tiffs) they should have a resolution of 300dpi for reproduction on a scale of 1/1 Text should be converted to outlines, or should include the respective True Type or PostScript fonts Final art work should have a 3mm bleed, to avoid any white borders when cut.
CEFAMOL – Associação Nacional da Indústria de Moldes Contact person – Mr. Tiago Ferreira Av. D. Dinis, MARINHA GRANDE Tel: Fax: Contacts