Open Source PDT approval for UPnP-Bridge Library Rick Bell(SSG-OTC)
Verdana regular 7pt. Legal text goes here Description of the functionality UPnP-Bridge integrates Legacy UPnP devices into IoTivity. UPnP-Bridge discover existing UPnP devices/services. UPnP-Bridge translates UPnP devices/services/actions into IoTivity devices/services and registers them as IoTivity devices through Resource Container. This allows existing UPnP devices/services/action to be managed and used through IoTivity like any other IoTivity device. 2 Smart Home App Media App Device Discovery & Messaging REST/CoAP Connectivity Abstraction Layer IoTivity FWK Resource Container Services UPnP-Bridge gupnp-av gupnp gssdp libsoup glib IoTivity UPnP Devices
Verdana regular 7pt. Legal text goes here Why we want this functionality To allow for smooth transition for Legacy UPnP to IoTivity. Support of Legacy UPnP devices is seen to be required for 4- 5 years while companies transition their products from UPnP devices to IoTivity devices. Discover, translates, register, manage, and use existing UPnP devices/services in IoTivity. Provides UPnP Audio/Video functionality (i.e. Media Server, Media Render, Media Control Point, and etc.). This one of the key functionality UPnP has large deployment and maturity over IoTivity. Provide open-source solution that can be leveraged for various uses case models. o Use Case Example: IoTivity-UPnP-bridge service could be used IoTivity gateway or server as central manager for UPnP devices 3
Verdana regular 7pt. Legal text goes here Distributing Linux Not distributing Linux. 4
Verdana regular 7pt. Legal text goes here Description of the software components and licenses 5 Component License UPnP-Bridge Library Apache License html
Verdana regular 7pt. Legal text goes here Intel IP exposure risk No Intel IP, everything based on public information from UPnP Specification, OIC Specifications, GNOME Documentation, and IoTivity DocumentationUPnP Specification OIC SpecificationsGNOME DocumentationIoTivity Documentation No codecs 6
Verdana regular 7pt. Legal text goes here PR / Publication plan Source published to a separate project ssh:// upnp-bridge instead of under ssh:// projectssh:// upnp-bridgessh:// No binaries Article explaining implementation to Article may be picked up in other news There should be a press release for the OIC UPnP Bridge functionality. Will need to work with Mike Richmond. 7
Verdana regular 7pt. Legal text goes here Library Bill of Material 8 LibraryLicenseDelivery by libglib-2.0 LGPLv2.1 or later m/stable/license.html.en GNOME Project libgssdp-1.0 libgupnp-1.0 libgupnp-av-1.0 libsoup-2.4 libxml2 MIT License mit-license.html IoTivity Apache License LICENSE-2.0.html IoTivity
Verdana regular 7pt. Legal text goes here DRM / trusted computing Does the project use DRM, secure boot, signed binaries or similar technologies that make it hard for end users to replace the software? No 9
Verdana regular 7pt. Legal text goes here Approval request Does the Linux PDT approve releasing the software project using the licenses as described in the table Yes / No 10