But Ranked “B” Today we learned J-Parc construction goes well (Shoji) Polarizable (Roser) Diabolically Designed (Jaffe) with Fascinating Physics Opportunities.


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Presentation transcript:

But Ranked “B” Today we learned J-Parc construction goes well (Shoji) Polarizable (Roser) Diabolically Designed (Jaffe) with Fascinating Physics Opportunities (Brodsky)

Our Dream Comes True After Numatron and Big-hadron passed away Virtual World → Real World Real Life Budget Reviews Manpower ・ Fight against the Agency Fight between the fields

Beam Dump A-Line Hadron Experimental Hall (Phase 1) Experimental Area Test Beam (on the guide rail for Phase 2) Hadron Experimental Hall (Phase 2)

Flag Ship Needed Hadron Physics Nuclear Physics Carrier is indispensable

During the last 10 years Japanese hadron lovers were Jet Quenching In COMPASS With Bradamante In HERMES With Aschnauer Deeply bound pion sensing In GSI Gluon Polarization in Proton In RHIC (Tanida) Vector Meson Mass Modification Yokkaichi Deeply Bound Kaonic Nuclus Outa Penta Quark Nakano

Di-muon experiments Sawada, 2x10 12 pps Dbar/ubar, Quark Bremss. Spin, SSA Goto, 10 9 pps 10%target ΔG → L, SSA Add π 0 /γ detector Backward with PPT PPB later, quark Sivers with D A(LL) 2x10 12 pps Iwata, for COMPASS+π though transversity development of PPT for 10 9 pps π Geesman ; Still at the heart of hadron structure Koike; Twist3 calculation with predictions, Stratman; Predictions for γ & π 0, K~4. Resum. bigger in higher PT but controllable, Kawamura; Predictions for QT spectrum, to resolve soft part Yokoya ; K=3~10, NNL converges well. Burkardt, B(T) to relate L to GPD Ji; Measure SSA in DY !! Theorists will figure out What to do with it BUT Kumano wants PDT

pQCD applicable ? Brodsky & Strikman stressed an importance of –Exclusive measurements –Very much skewed GPD –Spin structure (Krish effect) Experimentalist should consider Color Transparency Type Measurements Like h+A→h+A+p+X(hard) So far missing in LoI

Strangeness in Nucleon J-Parc is ~1GeV Neutrino Factory Miyachi – HERMES ΔS~0 but x coverage limited – ν p ( E734) → -0.21< ⊿ s<0 – δΔs = 0.03 Sakemi –Coherent pion production for g ΔΔ 、 –co-habitable with Δs experiment Arvieux; PV in ep elastic G Z E G Z M = Non zero Pate; Combined analysis eP experiment HAPPEx E734,G0 Δs< 0 Sakuta; νA for νphysics Sudo & Forte; for High blow neutrino factory FINeSSE => JParc Experimental Collaboration should be formed soon

Conclusive Jparc Japanese Exotics Nakano’s θ+ Hosaka Yokkaichi: mass shift at nuclear density New Jparc Morimatsu Kunihiro Outa; Deeply Bound K Nuclus Akaishi Hatsuda Mibe Aslanyan Hyodo Nagata New Jparc

Now the time to come back With your friends together In COMPASS With Bradamante In HERMES With Aschnauer Deeply bound pion sensing In GSI Jet Quenching Gluon Polarization in Proton In RHIC (Tanida) Vector Meson Mass Modification Yokkaichi Deeply Bound Kaonic Nuclus Outa Penta Quark Nakano

Return of The Judi To J-Parc at Tokai as QCD Paradise See you again at INPC2007 June 3 rd -8 th at Tokyo Forum

We must be patient, not in a hurry good physics never pass away