A Mathematical Investigation
INTRODUCTION Have you ever wondered, "When am I ever going to use this?“ in a Maths class? Well, it's your lucky day! Here is your chance to find out when you will use topics like linear relationships, angles in geometric shapes, fractions, decimals and more in real-life. Are you ready? Well let's get started! 21-Jun-162
3 TASK Your mission is to convince the rest of your class that Maths can be used in our everyday lives. You and a partner will: research one of the main topics you will look at in Maths this year find real world applications create a PowerPoint presentation complete a summary table by providing a description and at least three real-life examples.
21-Jun-164 PROCESS 1.Review the topics in the table below. Which topic are you and your partner most interested in? SuggestionsDescription of TopicThree Real-life Examples Linear Relationships Volume & Surface Area Symmetry Counting Principle Perimeter/area/volume formulas Inverse Relationships Congruence/similarity Conversions and units of measurement Transformations Fractions/decimals/percentages Algebra
21-Jun-165 PROCESS 2. Look at the rubric below, so that you know what I will be looking for. Evaluation - When am I ever going to use this?" Scoring Rubric “ Categories/Points0123 Research your topic no evidence of research minimally researched, lacks understanding of topic moderately researched, general understanding of topic well-researched, thorough understanding of topic Summarize your topic to the class did not summarize topicincomplete description of topicbasic description of topicthorough description of topic Present at least three examples of how/where your topic is used in real-life no examplesone exampletwo examplesthree examples Design of PowerPoint presentation no power pointmissing two or more componentsmissing one componentcontains title page, lesson, examples, at least three appropriate graphics, and resources page Completion of summary table of your topic including examples no tablemissing description or examples of two or more topics missing description or examples of one topic contains descriptions and at least 3 examples of your topic Total
21-Jun-166 PROCESS 3. Research your topic using the links from the following resources (next few pages). Write facts and other information into Microsoft Word. Come up with three real-life representations of your topic. Provide important facts, formulas and applications of these topics. These will be used as evidence to support you and your partner’s view that there are real world applications for Maths. Make sure that your descriptions clear and accurate.
21-Jun-167 INTERNET RESOURCES Linear Relationships ~ Moving Straight Ahead Volume & Surface Area ~ Filling and Wrapping Counting Principle ~ Clever Counting Inverse Relationships ~ Thinking with Mathematical Models
21-Jun-168 INTERNET RESOURCES Geometry definitions help Glossary of terms Math Concepts Concept Map pfive.htmlGeometry Concept Map pfour.htmlLine Symmetry in the Real World in the Real World and Capacity Lesson of Length Introductions to Mathematical Concepts Terms and Concepts Terms and Concepts in Daily Life Math to Shop Study Math? is Math Important? and Sports Connection and Math Connection Your Finances Using Math Math to Calculate Your Grades pfive.html pfour.html
21-Jun Using Math to Plan a Party Using Math to Plan a Vacation Geometry in the Real World in Baseball with Mathematical Backgrounds in the Workplace in Everyday Life and Music Notes and Football Applications with Digital Cameras Symmetry in the Real World Patterns in the Real World Weight/Capacity and the Real World Mathematical Applications in the Real World INTERNET RESOURCES
21-Jun-1610 PROCESS 4. Create a PowerPoint presentation based on your topic. It must include a title page, lesson, examples, at least three appropriate graphics and a resources page (where you list websites you used, books you used etc). 5. Add slide transition and animation to your presentation 6. Spell check each of your PowerPoint slides. 7. Use the “When am I ever going to use this?” summary table from page 5 to summarize what you learned this term from your topic.
21-Jun-1611 CONCLUSION So, did you get your answer? When are you ever going to use this stuff? Think about the fact that these are only some of the topics that we talk about in year 8... how many more topics are out there? Will you ever use them in real-life?