Test evaluation (group of 4; oral presentation, 30-40 mins) *Purpose: Apply the principles learned in your reading and class lectures to evaluate an existing.


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Presentation transcript:

Test evaluation (group of 4; oral presentation, mins) *Purpose: Apply the principles learned in your reading and class lectures to evaluate an existing test (or a way of assessment). * Include the following in your evaluation: (p.30) - background information/history of the assessment/test chosen, - evaluation procedures (including all the criteria used in your evaluation, construct, stimulus material, practicality, validity, reliability, authenticity, washback, scoring criteria, test format), and - your conclusion/critique (both strengths and weaknesses of the test being evaluated).

Test evaluation checklist (group of 4; oral presentation, mins) A.General background information a. Title b. Authors c. Publisher and date of publication B.Your theoretical orientation a. Test family: norm-referenced or criterion-referenced b. Purpose of decision: placement, proficiency, achievement, diagnostic c. Language methodology orientation – structural v.s. communicative d. Skill tested - Productive v.s. receptive - Channel: written v.s. oral e. Type of test : discrete-point v.s. integrative; subjective v.s. objective

Test evaluation checklist (group of 4; oral presentation, mins) C. Test characteristics a. Reliability - types of reliability procedures used (test- retest, equivalent forms, internal consistency, interrater, intrarater) b. Validity - types of validity procedures used (content, construct, and criterion-related validity) c. Actual practicality of the test - cost of test - quality of items listed - ease of administration (time required … ) - ease of scoring - ease of interpretation D. your conclusion/critique (both strengths and weaknesses of the test being evaluated).

Test evaluation (group of 4; oral presentation, mins) ** Present all your information and necessary materials in the forms of handouts, PowerPoint, and/or transparencies in your presentation. * 11/6 A list (hardcopy) of how you distribute the work and the outline of your presentation * 11/13 presentation; your file before presenting day.