What to look for when evaluating a piece of writing.
-Avoid Repetition -Correct capitalization -Correct format (indentation) -Be organized -Neatness -Clarity of ideas -Conventions -Correct punctuation -Engaging Intro -Strong body paragraphs -Correct spelling -Strong conclusion -Make transitions clear -Stay on topic -Any opinions backed up with facts -Emotional affect -Strong argument -Appropriate length for purpose -Mature vocab. -Correct grammar -Ideas and order make sense -Use good examples -Good word choice -Interesting and creative -avoid a “standard format” -Personality -Details that are relevant and supportive -multiple -Interest in topic -Must have a clear purpose and meet it points of -Sentence Fluency -Descriptive and figurative language view -Formality -Sources cited -reject opposing arguments -Lack of stupidity -Make sure you’re using correct information
TRAIT ONE: IDEAS Shows interest in topic Makes topic interesting to reader Topic is clear and obvious Ideas are relevant to/supporting of main topic Ideas should be expressed clearly TRAIT TWO: ORGANIZATION Paragraphs in correct format (# of sent., indentions, etc.) Topics are in a logical order; not randomly distributed Text Structure/Format is appropriate to writing purpose
TRAIT THREE: VOICE The writer’s personality is apparent Writer’s interest in topic is obvious Any narration format is used consistently Writer’s personal feelings are expressed (when appropriate) Writer’s expression of ideas is unique TRAIT FOUR: WORD CHOICE Writer uses mature vocab. Writer uses words correctly Words are descriptive; create interest Replaces simple words with more complex synonyms Use of figurative language is appropriate to audience and purpose Words should be appropriate to purpose Words should be appropriate to audience
TRAIT FIVE: SENTENCE FLUENCY Sentences make sense when combined Sentences should sound “smooth” when read aloud Variety of sentence types and lengths Sentence structure should be correct Sentences should express complete thoughts. NO RUN-ON SENTENCES! TRAIT SIX: CONVENTIONS Spelling Grammar -correct terminology, subject-verb agreement, try not to end sent. w/ prepositions, etc. Punctuation -commas, apostrophes, end marks, semicolons, quotes, parentheses, etc. Capitalization -beginning of sent., proper nouns, abbreviations