5 Administering Evergreen the PINES Way 2011 Evergreen International Conference Chris Sharp, PINES Program Manager
5 The Early Years:
PINES Growth – Phase I:
PINES Growth – Phase II: 2001
PINES Growth – 2003
5 The Beginning of PINES on Evergreen:
PINES Growth – 2006
PINES Growth – 2008
5 Turning Points:
Helpdesk Nightmare!
Governance: PINES Membership PINES member libraries meet annually 52 systems – each director has a vote
Governance: PINES Executive Committee 9 member library directors Elected annually – 3 per year 3 year terms Representation by size of population served Ex-officio: PINES Program Director and State Librarian
Governance: PINES GPLS Staff Coordinate PINES meetings First line of support for policy questions Coordinate PINES Documentation Coordinate RFPs/bids on behalf of member libraries
Communication Channels lists GPLS Forums GPLS Helpdesk Personal /phone calls: last resort
Software Development Process PINES library staff request a feature PINES/GPLS staff work with library staff to define requirements. Formal requirements document created Development is queued in order of importance/date received.
System Administration PINES System Administrator staff position Contract with Equinox Software GPLS IT
PINES Growth – 2010
The Future of PINES