Finding and collecting water traditionally has been the job for women, whether they have a settled lifestyle or a nomadic one. Now each day they would set out to find clean water for their families. Drought in Africa which has lasted for many years has increased the difficulty of finding clean water in the past it about nine minute a day collecting water. In 2003 that time increased to 21 minute and women had to walk as far as six miles (about 10 kilometers) to find the water.
People that lived the nomadic lifestyle had to use tents and the men had to use arrows to hunt for their food and women and children had to pick berries fruit etc They had to move to different places order to find food and shelter
People that the settled lifestyle they had the best agriculture land they didn’t have to move to different places. The sahara received increased rain fall and turned into a savanna. But about 6000 b.c. the sahara began to dry up again to serve many early farmers moved east into the nile valley and south into west Africa