Stages and process of counseling Peace Trust, 15-Kuruchi Road, Kulavanigarpuram, Tirunelveli , Tamilnadu, India. PH: Web: e-
Stages and process of counseling What is counseling? Counseling is an ongoing process wherein the client and counselor work together to assist the client and resolve the problems e-
Some assumptions in the counseling process Believes in the client’s capacity to change behavior Facilitates in the client becoming a fully functioning person (Condom usage) Builds self-esteem, self-acceptance and insight Encourages problem-solving by the clients Facilitates a warm, permissive and accepting atmosphere e-
Characteristics of counselors attitude Acceptance & unconditional positive regard for the client (ey;y Fzq;fis Vw;Wf; nfhs;Sjy;) Empathy (Ghpjy;) Genuineness (NeHikahf,Uj;jy;) Being non-judgmental (jPHT> KbT nrhy;yhjtuhf,Uj;jy;) e-
Rapport building - Mutual trust - Inter personal interaction - Tune their mental set - Acquainted (Client’s socio-cultural background, etc.,) e-
Information-gathering Paraphrase (In different ways) Probing (By interest) Summarizing Reflecting Clarifying e-
Attending/ Listening It is a ‘Perceptual & active process’ Conscious effort to focus on the client Counselors demonstrates client’s care & concern Lead to accurate analyses Lead to cataloguing information Help to decision making e-
Information-giving It should be in, - simple language - simple spoken - understood by the client - client specific - tailored to their needs - relevant to the given situation e-
predicting It is a difficult task It would address the issues of life style changes Counselor should highlight to improve the insight of the client Systems of feed back and reinforcements are necessary for prediction e-
Coping with burn-out and stress Interpersonal conflicts Resource deficits Limitations of infrastructure Feeling of isolation & stagnation e-
1. Rapport building Assuring confidentiality and discussing the limits of confidentiality Allowing ventilation Allowing expression of feeling Exploring the problem(s), asking the client to discuss their problem Clarifying the client’s expectations of counseling Describing what the counselor can offer and the method of working Statement from the counselor about their commitment to work with the client e-
3. Provision of ongoing supportive counseling Continuing expression of thoughts and feelings Identifying options Identifying existing coping skills Developing further coping skills Evaluating options and their implications Enabling behaviour change Supporting and sustaining work on the client’s Problems Monitoring progress towards identified goals Altering plans as required Providing referral as appropriate e-
4. Planning and initiation of steps Motivating the client for behaviour change Setting attainable goals Planning to achieve goals e-
5. Implementation of the plan Selecting a plan of action Sequencing the intervention activities Ways of implementation Putting the plan into action Reinforcing and monitoring behaviour change Being supportive while the client effects the change e-