The Comprehensive School Counseling Program Tomah Area School District
Comprehensive school counseling programs are based upon National School Counseling Standards Wisconsin Developmental Guidance Model
The GOAL is to help all students: Learn about self Learn about the world around them And make meaningful connections between the two
Fully implemented comprehensive guidance program outcomes include: increased student achievement K-12 increased collaboration between parents, community and school increased post secondary school enrollments decreased discipline problems and drop out rate decreased last minute schedule changes
A paradigm shift for education requires a new view of counseling in schools!
FROM:TO: FROM:TO: At risk student emphasis Crisis driven “On call” approach to use of time Delivered only by counselors Owned by counseling staff only Include all students Curriculum driven Calendared time Collaborative effort between counselor, faculty, parents, and community Community owned and supported
Underlying Principles Serve all students and provide opportunities for all grades preK-12. Curriculum is developed and delivered by counselors, faculty, and community. Counselors time is calendared among the four components of a comprehensive school counseling program. Parents are involved and the community helps deliver services. Curriculum is standards based and competency driven.
4 Components Guidance Curriculum Individual Planning Responsive ServicesSystem Support
Guidance Curriculum Components Career “All Work is Noble” Personal/Social “Character is Essential” Academic “Learning is Lifelong”
Wisconsin Developmental Guidance Model (WDGM) Standards for Curriculum Solve problems Connect family, school and work Understand diversity, inclusiveness and fairness Work in groups Manage conflicts Integrate growth and development Direct change Make decisions Set and achieve goals
Curriculum Topics CAREERPERSONAL/ SOCIAL ACADEMIC Career AwarenessCharacter EducationHigh School Academic Planning Interest AssessmentSocial SkillsAptitude Testing and Interpretation Career PlanningConflict ResolutionLearning Styles Inventories Job SeekingDrug and Alcohol Education Post Secondary Planning
Individual Planning Component Assessment Advisement Transition Planning Accommodations
Student, parent, and counselor conferencing… “putting the pieces together.”
Responsive Services Component Personal Counseling Sessions Support Group Facilitation Crisis Response Coordination, referral and outreach with community agencies
System Support Component Public Relations Community and Parent Involvement Staff Development Professional Development Student and Program Information Management Committee Work
Program activities and daily schedule are calendared Counselor time usage plan is followed Use of time is focused on the developmental needs of all students Starts on first day of school and ends on last day of school
Counselor Time Usage Plan for the 4 Components Guidance Curriculum Individual Planning Responsive Services System Support
Delivered By All The counselor role is to lead, facilitate, and provide direct services. All faculty and staff have a role in delivering curriculum. Community partners contribute to program delivery.
Delivered By All for All Local School Administrators School To Work Coordinators Post Secondary Personnel Community/ School Liaison Employers Community and Parent Volunteers School Counselors
Resources Facilities Personnel Finances
In Summary A fully implemented comprehensive school counseling program includes : a program orientation vs. a position orientation 4 Components; Guidance Curriculum Individual Planning Responsive Services System Support standards based student development focus delivery by all for all. community owned and supported
Who am I? Where have I been? Where am I going? What will I need to learn to get there? How can I help myself? Who helps me and how? How can I change when change is required? The Answer For:
Credits Adapted from Facilitating the Future 2004 by Jill Norman, Martha Anderson and Renee Ones.