Georgia SHINES Enhancements 5.1 Release Tentative Release Date: March 18, 2012
5.1 Enhancements LENSES Reports Service Authorization Maltreatment in Care Georgia SHINES Portal – Contact Detail ICPC Detail Page (Phase 1)
LENSES Reports Two new LENSES reports: ILP This report tracks the number of children eligible for ILP services, number of children eligible and receiving ILP services, and number of children ineligible for ILP services who are the primary child of a FCC/ADO stage. Adoption Performance Measures This report tracks the Adoption finalizations and the time taken for eligible children in FCC/ADO stages during the month.
Service Authorization Service Authorization and Referral Header Page Allow the Service Authorization – 2054 form to launch only when the referral is approved. “Reason for Referral” field relabeled to “Justification for Referral.” Increase the size of the field “Justification for Referral” to 1000 characters. Make the field “Justification for Referral” for internal (DFCS) use only. Service Authorization and Referral Detail Page Add new comment field in the Service Authorization Information section, named Reason for Referral/Other Comments (Please include a brief summary of the case including risk indicators, service needs, and other pertinent information – Only if necessary.) Increase capacity of the Comments fields to 1000 characters.
Service Authorization Service Authorization Form Enhance form to reflect the most recent State Office changes. IMPORTANT NOTE: Users will continue to use external form provided to the field in 2011 until further notice from the State Office.
Maltreatment in Care PageEnhancement Intake Actions Include the Region’s Field Program Specialists in the list of recipients of the alert that is currently sent out upon the approval of an Intake with an alleged MIC. Include the region’s Field Program Specialists in the list of recipients for the alert that is currently sent out upon the approval of an Intake with potential Policy Violation. Allegation DetailModify condition under which The Date of Alleged Incident and Alleged Maltreator Relationship provided indicate a Maltreatment in Care situation, according to the Legal Status of the child. ‘Please verify the allegation occurred while the child was in care.’ pop-up message is generated to include both substantiated and unsubstantiated dispositions. Special InvestigationPage will also be available for an allegation which indicates a Maltreatment in Care situation but its Disposition is Unsubstantiated.
Maltreatment in Care PageEnhancement CPS Investigation Conclusion Modify condition under which the ‘It is indicated that this is, Maltreatment in Care or a Policy Violation on a Placement/Non-Placement provider. ‘A selection for Placement/Non-Placement Provider information section is required.’ pop-up message is generated to include unsubstantiated dispositions. Include Unsubstantiated MIC in the validation that requires an answer to the question ‘Was the foster parent notified of the right to have an advocate present?’ Include Unsubstantiated MIC in the validation that requires an answer to the question ‘Has notification been given to the state office of the removal of child(ren) following initial investigative contact?’ If the answer to the ‘Was the foster parent notified of the right to have an advocate present?’ is ‘No’, the comment field is required for substantiated/unsubstantiated MIC. When the supervisor approves unsubstantiated MIC investigations, the SSCM will get a Task to complete the Special Investigation Page.
Maltreatment in Care Changes to Provider Type FROMTO Relative Enhanced Relative RateRelative Enhanced Relative Rate (DFCS Custody) Relative (No Payment)Relative No Payment (DFCS Custody) Relative TANFRelative TANF (DFCS Custody)
Portal provider users will be able to: Select the Standard narrative and Parent/Child Visitation narrative radio buttons. Launch the Standard, Parent/Child Visitation, and Safety Permanency and Wellbeing narratives when selected. Georgia SHINES Portal
ICPC Detail Page New ICPC Detail page: Accessible via the Placement tab in the FCC stage Supports users ability to launch and complete forms 100A and 100B Users select the Type of form – 100A or 100B
ICPC Detail Page What pre-populates (displays)? Child Identifying Data Name, DOB, Gender, SSN, Race, Ethnicity (as it is displayed on the Person Detail Page), Title IV-E Determination, Full Name of the child’s Mother and Father Placement Information Users select the name of the primary person with whom the child is to be placed with from a dropdown list (Form 100A). Principals, 18 and over, listed on the child’s Person List page within the FCC stage are populated.
ICPC Detail Page Notice the ? hyperlink – when clicked, help text displays.?
ICPC List Page
ICPC – Other System Changes Other pages impacted: Contact Detail New Purpose - ICPC External Documentation Search and Detail New search parameter – ICPC Documents New field – ICPC Document checkbox
ICPC – Other System Changes Other pages impacted continued: External Documentation Two new values to Document Class (Case Data) ICPC Document (Custody with Georgia) – formally labeled ICPC Purposeful Visit Agmt ICPC Document (Custody with Other State)
ICPC Detail Page This is Phase 1 of ICPC enhancements. Users must continue to complete and submit Forms 100A and 100B externally until the forms are available in Georgia SHINES – Phase 2 ICPC enhancements. Therefore, users will not be able to add an ICPC page until Phase 2. Georgia SHINES team will work collaboratively with the ICPC Unit to detail the process for completing the new ICPC pages in Georgia SHINES and the flow of communication between the DFCS county offices and the ICPC Unit. IMPORTANT NOTE!