SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATIONS – Community Forum Capacity Utilization Arlington Public Schools December 9, 2009
Progressive Planning Model – Timing Phase I – Immediate FY 2010 Plan Phase II – Short-Term Approximately 1-3 Years (may need to be accelerated) PlanPhase III – Mid-Term Approximately 4-6 Years (may need to be accelerated) Plan Phase IV – Long-Term Approximately 7+ Years (may need to be accelerated)
Progressive Planning Model Phase I Immediate Action for September 2011 ElementarySecondary Convert computer labs and/or other available space to classrooms (e.g., convert six existing computer labs to classrooms)* Implement 6/7 scheduling model Increase class size by 1 based on planning factors* Add relocatable classrooms* Move individual preK classes * Options dependent on and to be addressed as part of the FY 2011 budget process
Progressive Planning Model Phase II Consider in the Short-Term (may need to be accelerated) ElementarySecondary Add relocatable classrooms Convert computer labs and/or other available space to classrooms Increase class size by an additional 1 based on planning factors
Progressive Planning Model Phase III Consider in the Mid-Term (may need to be accelerated) ElementarySecondary Consolidate program by creating centers (e.g., preK) Implement a staggered school day with two-bell schedules at high schools Utilize other county building space Consider flexible school day at high school Team options Consider use of Career Center Countywide options
Progressive Planning Model Phase IV Consider in the Long-Term (may need to be accelerated) ElementarySecondary Develop Wilson siteRedistrict secondary schools Redistrict elementary schools
Next Steps Begin implementation of Phase I As we move to implementation of Phase I, continue the process to research, study and plan for Phases II, III and IV Monitor through an ongoing process – including an update to the School Board in March 2010 and a twice yearly review of capacity and enrollment Implement each phase, or elements within a phase, as needed or revised to meet changing needs, challenges, and resources Continue, consistent with the cycle of improvement model (Plan, Do, Study, Act), the review and analysis of the MGT report Continue to work with the Projections/Capacities Sub- Committee of the Facilities Advisory Council (P/CS), to monitor the progress of addressing our capacity issues
Proposed School Board Action The School Board approves the Progressive Planning Model, as described in the memorandum dated December 3, 2009, to address crowding, capacity, and enrollment at elementary and secondary schools. Any actions that require budgetary or policy changes must be approved by the School Board.
Information and materials related to process: In addition, the web page has an option for comments and suggestions. Web Page
SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATIONS – Community Forum Capacity Utilization Arlington Public Schools December 9, 2009