Dia-log Tina Chemplayil Temple University
Diabetes by the Numbers 26 million Americans have diabetes 26 million Americans have diabetes 79 million Americans have pre- diabetes 79 million Americans have pre- diabetes 7 th leading cause of death in the U.S. 7 th leading cause of death in the U.S. Citation: American Association of Diabetes Educators, (2015) Supporting you Empowering your patients
Diabetes The epidemic of modern times 1.7 million new diagnosis in 2010; 1.9 million in million Americans 20 and above has pre-diabetes. Approximately 0.25% youth in US are diagnosed with diabetes Citation: American Diabetes Association (2014). Statistics about diabetes.
Diabetes Is Expensive $245 billion: Total costs of diagnosed diabetes in the United States in 2012 $176 billion for direct medical costs $69 billion in reduced productivity Citation: American Association of Diabetes. (2014). Statistics on diabetes
Diabetic education Multidisciplinary team care required to reduce the human and economic toll A new diabetic need to learn multiple self management skill Diabetic self management education Newer avenues to educate patients need include tele health and mobile app
Why mobile app? Most of us including patients have mobile phones We tend to carry it with us all the time Younger generation tend to use different mobile app for various purposes This is a great avenue to provide health related information Blood glucose levels can be logged in and kept handy for the provider
What is Dia-log Dia-log is a mobile app that is created for diabetic education, and to access and use self help and monitoring tools. Created as a requirement for Health economics and information systems in primary care
How is this app created? Create an account Click create an app Fill in the required fields Be ready with the video and materials to include Add the websites links and videos Ready to go
What is in dialog Video Website link to NDEP Links to best available blood glucose monitoring logs and systems
Use in primary care Provider often does not have time to teach patient, enough about diabetes This app can be provided to the patient with encouragement from provider to read and to see videos Help patient to choose a system to monitor diet, exercise, glucose values, medicines or more Follow up with patient
References American Association of Diabetic Educators (2015). Supporting you, empowering your patients American Association of Diabetes (2014). Statistics about diabetes. Appypie.(n.d). Retrieved from: Pietrangelo, A. (2014). The best diabetes iphone and android apps of the year. Retireved from: U. S. Department of health and human services (2014). National Retrieved from: diabetes education program.