Google earth controlled by arduino
Google earth controlled by Arduino Arduino UNO 3 axis Accelerometers Press sensor Hardware VS2008 Google earth common api Arduino software Software
Arduino Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators. Arduino development environment (based on Processing). Arduino projects can be stand-alone or they can communicate with software running on a computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP) Home page:
Sensors In this program we use the left hardware, it included 3-axis accelerometer sensor and gyroscope sensor. We can get data from this sensor, after that process it, get the results.
Sensors At this side we can see some information, I think the pin information is very important, We should get the data from the right pin.
Sensors Press sensor This sensor can sense applied force anywhere in the range of 100g-10kg.
Programming 1.Arduino programming 2.Application programming
Arduino Programming First we should download the arduino software
Arduino Programming Then programming(maybe JDK)
Data analysis From arduino we just get some raw data. Data analysis is necessary.
Data analysis To translate this into quids again use this equation: sensitivity/3.3*1023. So in this example I get: 0.33/3.3*1023=102,3. The final equation will look like this: accVal = (accAdc-accZero)/102,3 To calculate the angle you first have to calculate the force vector to do so I just use Pythagoras in three dimensions: R = sqrt(accXval 2 +accYval 2 +accZval 2 ). You can then calculate the angle between the x-axis and the force vector (R) by using acos (inverse of cosinus): accXangle = acos(accXval/R) It is the same with the y-axis: accYangle = acos(accYval/R) accelerometers
Data analysis these into quids is pretty easy: sensitivity/3.3*1023. So in this example I get: /3.3*1023= NB: to translate mV to V simple just divide by one thousand. The final equation will look like this: gyroRate = (gyroAdc-gryoZero)/ The result will come out as degrees per second ( 0 /s). Gyro
Application Programming In my program I use vs2008. We get the data from the COM interface all the time, then process send it to google earth and make it works.
Google earth API In my program I use vs2008. We get the data from the COM interface all the time, then process send it to google earth and make it works.
Google earth API Google earth COM API list
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