1 Euro-Mit Staal B.V. Steel Service Center Vlissingen/The Netherlands Our Mission-, Vision and Values on Environmental-, Health & Safety-, Quality-, Training & Education issues EURO-MIT STAAL B.V.
2 EURO-MIT STAAL B.V. is a customer focused, solutions-driven company, combining expertise with a full service attitude. Euro-Mit Staal B.V. is also fully aware of their obligations towards Health & Safety-, Quality-, Training & Education and the Environment. Good communication through meetings, intranet and website are recognized to be of an utmost importance in achieving the set targets. Health & Safety: EMS’ first priority is to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of the employees, visitors and neighborhood. A positive culture is encouraged, unsafe behavior is not tolerated. EMS believes that all our activities can be undertaken in a safe way. Education and Training: EMS has its own in-house training program ensuring that new staff shall be well trained and educated before they are allowed to execute independently any part of the production process. In case in-house training is not possible registered external training is provided. Quality: EMS strives to deliver the best quality in material and services to our customers in every delivery. Many years of experience are the basis for a good downstream processing at our end- users. Environment: EMS considers the care for the environment to be important in terms of our duty to society, our children and theirs. EMS is committed to protect the environment by minimizing the impact of our operations through continuous improvement in environmental performance and control thereof.
3 HEALTH & SAFETY In order to be able to work under the most safe working conditions, EMS has implemented various activities, documents-, instructions and reports supporting the instruction to work under the healthiest and utmost safe conditions: HEALTH related: –A Company Doctor is available for free consultation –Periodical Medical Check is offered to each employee every 2 years SAFETY related: –Safety committee (VC) –Safety information meetings –Safety Instruction Card (VIK) –General emergency and evacuation-plan –Risk Evaluation Report (RIE) –First Aid Personnel (BHV) –Theoretical and practical emergency exercises are conducted –Internal reports
4 EDUCATION & TRAINING In order to achieve the best service in quality and general performance, EMS has implemented various documents, instructions and reports. The Education and Training already starts when the new employee enters EMS: A hard copy of the “Personnel Guide, EMS’ General rules and conditions” is handed out. A training-progress report is created. Contents of “Processmap Production” is informed and explained and is available in hardcopy and accessible on EMS’ intranet. Education and training results are registered in a Matrix. Additional “On the spot” training is verbally instructed.
5 QUALITY Safe working- and well Educated staff in combination with the best base-materials results in the best Quality product and Service. In order to maintain these criteria EMS has laid down all requirements in the various Process Descriptions (Processmapping). EMS believes that the best quality shall be achieved by: Processing the best base materials A correct and proper registration of obtained technical data in the especially for/by EMS developed softwareprogram EMM. Monitoring available data by the 6-sigma quality system. Discussing the results with all staff and publishing the results on EMS’ intranet.
6 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY EMS strives to minimize the environmental impact of our work by improving our performance. EMS meets the requirements of relevant laws in The Netherlands and the countries where our material is sent to. EMS encourages all staff to be aware of the fact that one should act in an environmentally responsible way. EMS tries to contribute to sustainable developments by using energy and packing materials most efficiently. EMS promotes the recovery and recycling of waste products and re-use of materials as much as possible. EMS is also particularly concerned about the habitat in the surrounding area and will do its utmost to support local activities concerned.
7 Thank you for your attention, however please be informed: The afore going is just an extract from what is available at EMS, either in hardcopy and/or on the Intranet. A fully revised Website and Intranet (partly accessible to “outsiders”) is available since January 1 st 2008 and still under improvement. A fully revised EMM-softwareprogram (which in the future shall also be partly accessible to “outsiders”) shall be installed soonest after completion.