Mitosis - Replication of Cells All Cells Come from Cells Repair and growth Asexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction
Which cells go through division the most?
Division and multiplication of genetic material
Division and Duplication of genetic material DNA needs to be identical in all the cells that come from other cells DNA is your genetic code “Molecule of inheritance” Genes are on your DNA We have 46 chromosomes – 1 set from each parent
Cell Cycle In order to separate properly so that duplication occurs correctly there is a 5-part cycle to organize the process.
Process and Purpose We have mitosis to: –Sort our DNA –Duplicate the DNA –Divide the DNA
Step 1 of Mitosis The DNA uncoils to prepare for division – DNA is duplicated Prophase
The Chromosomes separate Metaphase
The Duplicated chromosomes are separated Anaphase
The Duplicated chromosomes split Telophase
The Cell divides into two cells Cytokinesis
Timed and organized cell division Interphase G1 S G2 M
Looks Like this:
5-steps of mitosis
On a piece of paper that you will hand in: Explain how mitosis SORTS Explain how mitosis DIVIDES Explain how mitosis SEPARATES
Online activity Go to the Exploring Life Icon in the TBA courses drive Go to Unit 3 Chapter 9 – online activity 9.2 Go through the activity – answer the questions in full sentences on separate paper and hand in by the end of class For Page 2 – Include how much time the cells of each organ spends in replication