How it all began… In 1971, motivated by their vision of a green, peaceful world, a small team of activists sailed from Vancouver, Canada, in an old fishing boat. These activists, the founders of Greenpeace, believed a few people could make a difference. Nowadays, Greenpeace has 2.8 million supporters worldwide and exists in 41 countries.
What we campaign for… To protect and save the environment Stop climate change Stop drilling in deep waters Lengthen the usage of natural resources Protect forests End the nuclear age Eliminate toxins Work for peace
Things we have done in the public eye.. Climbed Mt Rushmore London marathon Spoof advert mocking VW's hugely successful commercial Interfered with the refueling of the factory ship Nisshin Maru despite warnings from the crew of they placed one of their inflatable boats between the Nisshin Maru and the refueling vessel. Draped a banner over the face of ‘Big Ben’ to commemorate the start of the war in Iraq
Publicity Stunts
Glasgow 243 members GLASGOW Recently, there was a protest through the city centre in aid of climate change. This was a calm and controlled event.
If you are interested in joining Greenpeace and feel the same about the issues check out thank you for reading our presentation and we hope you have learned a lot about the work of Greenpeace ! By Amy Shearer and Sarah McPherson