The TUSCAN DISTRICT for RAIL TECHNOLOGIES, HIGH SPEED, SAFETY&SECURITY Eng. Lorenza Franzino, President ERCI Steering Committee Wien, November 14th 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

The TUSCAN DISTRICT for RAIL TECHNOLOGIES, HIGH SPEED, SAFETY&SECURITY Eng. Lorenza Franzino, President ERCI Steering Committee Wien, November 14th 2013

The Tuscan Regional Administration created this Technological District in March This is the only Italian Technological District active solely in Rail Transport. In fact, Tuscany is the only Italian Region which has the entire Rail Chain : from steel profile production to coaches, from signalling to electrification. Its purpose is to improve the Tuscan Rail Industry and make it more competitive. The Tuscan Regional Administration wants the District to help Enterprises improve their mutual collaborations and work both with Universities and Research Entities in order to better define possible future products. 1. Creation and purposes

Main activities of the District: - Definition of medium-long term strategy in order to increase Tuscan Rail Industry competitiveness; - Investigation of know-how and products already available in regional Enterprises and Research Entities, in order to make the most of local contents and to increase awareness of our own strengths and capacities; - Encouragement towards a cultural change both in Enterprises (making synergy, collaboration, partnership our key-words) and in Universities (making R&D more connected to productive needs); 2. Core activities (1/2)

- Promotion of projects for co-financing in order to improve the level of innovation, R&D, training; - Promotion of synergic initiatives with Districts of other Regions/States in order to activate positive processes of technological cross-fertilisation - Cooperation with the Local/Regional Administrations in order to: a) make the environment more suitable to innovation and competitiveness; b) support promotional activities and internationalisation ; c) attract investments. 2. Core activities (2/2)

The organisation is defined by Regional Decrees (no corporate structure): - The President, with managerial and technical competences; - The Technological Steering Committee, composed by 10 Members and having strategic and technological tasks. It is headed by the President; - The Technical Secretariat, supporting the President, the Committee and the Enterprises; - The District Forum, where all Enterprises meet, share and discuss strategies and programs. It is organised once a year, involving also all National Stakeholders. 3. The District’s organisation

4. Our environment: Internal and External Components of the District Enterprises Universities and Public Research Bodies Technical Secretariat Laboratories specialised in the Rail Sector National Authority for Rail Safety (ANSF) National Technological Cluster for Trasports

4.1 The Enterprises - Currently 108 (here just few…)

4.2 An overview of the Enterprises (1/2)

4.2 An overview of the Enterprises (2/2) Employees > Average age 40 Employees in R&D >1.100 Graduated (University) 31% Graduated (High School) 43% Patents > 184 Enterprises run by Women 7

4 Regional Research Bodies, deeply active in the Rail sector, co-operate to reach the District’s targets: 4.3 The Research Bodies

Among the biggest laboratories for Certification and Homologation of Rolling Stock in Europe. Here tests are possible on any kind of vehicle, thanks also to the biggest semi anechoic chamber in Europe. Laboratory Rolling Stock (Florence) run by Italcertifer S.p.A. in partnership with the Universities of Florence, Pisa and Naples, Politecnico Milan and the Tuscany Region 4.4 The Laboratories specialised in the Rail Sector (1/3)

Laboratory for Dynamic Modelling and Mechatronics (Pistoia) run by University of Florence in partnership with the Province of Pistoia, acknowledged by the Tuscany Region 4.4 The Laboratories specialised in the Rail Sector (2/3) R&D and testing on Mechanics, Electronics, Mechatronics, Rail vehicles, On board technological systems.

Centre for Excellence and Quality (Pistoia) run by Servindustria in parthership with the Pistoia Chamber of Commerce, acknowledged by the Tuscany Region Testing on Mechanical parts for Rail Transportation and Automotive 4.4 The Laboratories specialised in the Rail Sector (3/3)

4.5 The Supply chains represented in the District

4.6 Inside the Rolling Stock supply chain

4.7 Inside the Signalling supply chain

4.8 Competences on District’s R&D Strategic Macro-Sectors

Drafting of the Strategic Development Plan : it identifies R&D initiatives summing > 88 M €, to be co-financed through public calls for proposals at Regional/National/European level; Leading the Rail Working Group within the National Technological Cluster for Transports “Trasporti Italia 2020”, and through this... …Co-financing of the " TESYS-Rail " National Project : it aims at improving the environmental impact of rail infrastructures, vehicles and the overall rail system. Developed together with the National Rail Operator (RFI). Budget: 12 M €; Establishing relationships with international Rail Clusters, thanks to ERCI, in order to create opportunities of mutual collaboration between European excellencies. 5. The main goals achieved

Horizon 2020: We are (of course) very interested in the 2014 Transport call. 1)Our “TESYS-Rail” National Project is consistent with the environmental priorities, and we would like to propose connected activities; 2)we are interested in simplifying retrofitting; 3)we are interested in seamless travel. Can we work together on this? 6. What’s next? (1/3)

Shift²Rail : Our members will participate: -as “Founders” (AnsaldoBreda, Thales, etc.) -as “Associates” (Sirti, Universities, etc.) -through the call for proposals for SMEs and Universities. We are interested in all 5 IPs and our priorities are: IP1 Smart management of energy used/wasted Development of new materials for outfitting having low environmental impact, providing safety in case of a crash, being highly recyclable, scarcely flammable and with low toxicity in case of fire 6. What’s next? (2/3)

IP2 Systems for the interoperability between trains, trams, metro and other means of transport, for a more efficient mobility IP3 Development of a rail transport system energetically self- sufficient IP4 Innovative systems for surveillance and automatic protection of train running Innovative systems and equipment for train localization on the railway layout IP5 Signalling systems devoted to transportation of dangerous goods, through train spacing systems along the line, and/or by creating safe areas Mechanical solutions for transportation of dangerous, heavy and/or bulky goods in international corridors 6. What’s next? (3/3)

THINK RAIL THINK TUSCANY Thank you for your attention!