Intercity Passenger Rail: Legislative Policy Recommendations Astrid Glynn Chair ASC Intercity Passenger Rail Legislative Team AASHTO Standing Committee on Rail Transportation Commissioner New York State Department of Transportation
V.1 - National Rail Policy Congress shall articulate a national rail policy Congress should provide dedicated Federal funding for national network Network shall be: HSR corridors (> 110 MPH) Regional corridors ( MPH) Long distance service (> 500 miles)
V.2 - Dedicated Funding for Intercity Passenger Rail Separate account from highways and transit Funded from diversified portfolio of revenue sources Same budgetary protections as HTF Firewalls Guaranteed funding Contract authority
V.3 - Capital Program for States HR 2095 implements this program Multi-year Federal/State program 80/20 Federal/State share $1.9 billion over 5 years Grants awarded to States (not Amtrak) for State selected capital projects Track Equipment Stations Signals
V.4 - NEC State of Good Repair Addressed by HR 2095 Amtrak and states develop plan within 6 months Includes track, station, signals, and equipment SOGR reached by 2018
V.5 - Public/Private – Freight Railroad Partnerships Federal government should: Improve model for negotiating rail access Help State DOTs determine level of capacity improvements Define negotiating framework to reach agreements
V.6 - National Performance-Based Measures Partially addressed in HR 2095 Should be linked to policy objectives Separate from grant awards States, with providers and FRA, shall develop measures for national system
V.7 - Section 130 Funding Continue and expand funding for Section 130 Grade Crossing Program Institute measure to expedite process Increase amount of closure incentive payments from $7,500 to ½ cost of upgrading Funding match from railroad could be cash or in- kind services
V.8 - High Speed Rail Corridor Development Authorize HSR Grade Crossing Elimination Program within HSR Corridor Development Program in SAFETEA-LU (Section 9001) Fund at $55 million ($5 million for each of 11 corridors) Expand eligibility to include Sealed Corridor Initiative
V.9 - Investment Tax Credits for Freight Rail Provide federal tax credits for freight rail improvements Improvements must have clearly defined public benefits, such as intercity passenger rail