How Digital Railway is a key part of the Rail Delivery Group strategy Paul Plummer Chief Executive Rail Delivery Group
Today’s Railway Improving punctuality, reliability and value for money National Task Force | Asset Programme and Supply Chain Management | Health and Safety | People | Transparency Customer Experience Modernising ticketing and improving door-to-door journeys Information | Ticketing | Stations Integrated Transport | Disability and Inclusion Industry Reform Improving industry structures to enable excellence Contractual and Regulatory Reform | Passenger Services Contracts | Europe | Competition Tomorrow’s Railway Better planning for the railway’s future Planning Oversight Group | Technology | Sustainability | Rolling Stock | Digital Railway High Speed 2 Support for train operators and owning groups Rail Settlement Plan Allocating and settling £10bn of revenue a year National Rail Enquiries Improving information on train times, fares, reservations and disruption Rail Staff Travel Running concessionary travel schemes for 400,000 current and retired employees on behalf of rail employers Support for freight operators Communications and engagement Organisation and capability