1.How to improve the students’ reading ability 2.Introduce the students’ to the Olympic Games and see how many events they know of the recent modern Olympic.


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Presentation transcript:

1.How to improve the students’ reading ability 2.Introduce the students’ to the Olympic Games and see how many events they know of the recent modern Olympic Games. 3.Some important sentences Teaching Important and Difficult Points( 教学重点,难点)

The bird nest

Symbol( 象征 ) the friendship of the 5 continents

Having a competition (提问与 展示) Separate three groups and ask to speak out the English names of the following sports as quickly as possible?

basketball football baseball volleyball badminton

running high jump tennis table tennis

boxing wrestling shooting weightlifting

swimming diving speed skating

Ancient Modern Any Winter Olympics? competitor s from? M / W athletes (more/less) events Yes No all over the world only in Greece Greece both only men More eventsLess eventsevents Fill in the forms (自学指导与合作探究)

1.In the early Olympic Games,only men were allowed to compete and watch the Games. 2.The motto of the Olympic Games is “ Faster,Higher,Further ”. 3.Carl Lewis won three gold medals in the 1984 Olympic Games. 4.The 27 th Olympic Games were held in Los Angeles 5.The 28 th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing 6.The Winter Olympic Games are held every three years..... (T) (F) Ture or False ( 练习反馈与拓展提高)

1.When and where were the Olympic Games first held? 2.When did the ancident Olympic Games stop? 4.How often are the Olympic Games held? 6.What is the Olympic motto? Questions and answers Around the year 776BC in Greece After about the year 393AD Every four years Faster,Highter,Stronger

every four years\every fourth year take part in \join in \join the same as allow sb. to do sth.\allow doing forget (forgot,forgotten) do one ’ s best Language points (精讲点拨)

Important sentences (精讲点拨) 1.The people of Beijing, and of the whole country,will be preparing to light the Olympic torch to welcome athletes and sports fans from all over the world. 北京和全国人民正为点燃奥林匹克火炬,迎接世 界各地的运动员和体育爱好者而准备着。 2.In Sydney,the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, ranking third of all the competing countries. 在悉尼,中国队共获得 28 块金牌,在所有参赛 国中名列第三。

4.Every four years athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games. 3.Following the history-making success in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, China won another great competition in 2001 which was not for a medal. 继在 2000 年悉尼奥运会上取得有史以来最 佳战绩之后,中国在 2001 年的另一项大赛 中再次获胜,但这次却不是为了夺取金牌。 每隔四年,世界各地的运动员都要参加奥 运。

The key words of each paragraph Para1. every four years …take part in ; Both…are held; two years Para3. the first Olympic Games … happened; After that … joined in Para5.In 2008…will be held; the people…will be prepared for the 29th Olympic Games Para2.the ancient Olympics began…; were not allowed to ; …393AD…stopped Para4.the Olympic motto…; means…do one’s best

1.There are many clubs for you to choose.Which one would you like to ____? A.join in B.join C.take part in D.attend How often do you go to the library? _______. A.In two week B.Every few days C.Each third day D.Every a few days 3.This took place in modern_____. A.time B.years C.times D.age 4.The ____team and the guest team won each of the games. A.to host B.host C.hosting D.hosted Exercises (练习反馈与拓展提高) B B C B

Summmary (归纳总结与预习作 业) P129 第三题中的 1 , 2 , 4. Retell the text 讲义 P301 被动语态( 2 ) Writing:As a student,what shoud you do when the Olympic Games will be held in 2012.

    Hot links to Websites Related to the Olympics on the Internet: