t o h a r m o r h a r a s s o t h e r p e o p l e i n a d e l i b e r a t e, r e p e a t e d, a n d h o s t i l e m a n n e r Cyberbullying is the use of Information Technology
Grooming: Seduction of children by pedophiles, seducting the children simulating to be a friend. Sexual-Cyberbullying: Sexual harassment among adults with purpose. Bully-Web: Web site created to bully publically a child and encouraging other people to do so.
Cyber-bullying can affect anyone who has a computer because cyber-bullying victims are random, it can happen to anyone. Surprisingly, teenagers are more properly to be bullied
Since 2008 it’s ilegal in argentina to: Have or distribute child porn. Enter another persons . Create or distribute malware. Unfortunately, there are no laws about insulting or harassing someone online. In Florida cyber bullying is ilegal Laws agains woman abuse include cyber bullying
Feel overwhelmed Feel vulnerable Feel suicidal. Feel anxious and depressed alone and isolated Feel angry and vengeful Feel dissatisfied with who they are Feel exposed and humiliated In Italy a teenager killed herself because her mates recorded voice notes saying things like “Nobody wants you, kill yourself” and “You are not normal.”
Ignore Them, Contact Service Providing Website, Report Unwanted Activities, Share your problem, Unplug from technology, Find others who share your same values and interests, Avoid contact with the bully, Establish consistent rules of behavior, create a new account for social websites