UCAS Preparation Evening 2016
This stands for: Universities and Colleges Admissions Service in the UK. It is the service that organises admissions for Further Education across the country.
Your Objectives You need to get: Right course Right place Right time
Key Deadlines
Key deadlines 2017 6th Sept Applications can be submitted 15th Oct Deadline for Oxbridge, Medicine, Vet Science and Dentistry 15th Jan Deadline for most courses 25th March Ucas Extra opens 4th May Offers to be accepted 4th July Last date for Ucas extra 5th July Clearing opens 17th Aug A level results 31st Aug Offers accepted
UKCAT Cognitive Test used for entry to UK medical and dental schools http://www.ukcat.ac.uk/
LNAT Section A: The first part is a computer-based multiple choice exam. Section B: In the second part of the test you will be asked to write one essay from a list of three proposed subjects. http://www.lnat.ac.uk/
BMAT Two hours test used by some medical, biomedical and veterinary courses. Taken in Year 13. Section 1: Aptitude and Skills (critical thinking skills, problem solving, data analysis and inference abilities). Section 2: Scientific Knowledge and Applications. Section 3: Writing Task. http://www.admissionstestingservice.org/for-test-takers/bmat/
Guardian University Guide
Typical Royal Society/ Academy Website
Spring Term Year 12 Open days start & continue throughout summer term. Some are on weekends Consult Opendays.com for information Support available throughout from Sixth Form staff – Mr Stockton, Ms Woolsey
Summer Term Year 12 Pupil interviews with Mr Ellis / Mr Stockton. Research forms and application information given out. Timetabled preparation for entrance exams -UKCAT, LNAT, BMAT, TSA, PAT etc. Oxford / Cambridge visit. UCAS sessions - initial preparation of Personal Statements, registration with UCAS, course searches etc. Summer Holidays – personal research and reading. Preparation for Extended Project.
Summer Holidays work Check university websites for guidance on what they are looking for from candidates. Read around your subject. Look at Royal Society or equivalent web sites – almost always have a student section. Listen to Radio 4 podcasts – e.g. Material World, Law in Action, Case Notes, Health Matters, The Bottom Line, More or Less, All In The Mind, Front Row – develop broader understanding.
Autumn Term Year 13 Final choices for Universities and courses – matching to pupils estimated grades. 5 choices – 4 for Medical Schools. Completion of Personal Statements. Completion of References. Submission of UCAS applications-15th October deadline for Oxbridge and Medics, Vets, Dentists, end of term for all others. (UCAS final cut off date 17th of Jan - CUKAS different deadlines). Mock Interviews – Internal practice, Cardiff /Swansea University recruitment, School Parent Panels. Advice on bursaries, scholarships, sponsorships. Registration for Scholarship exams.
Personal Statement 4000 characters long Submitted online https://www.ucas.com/ucas/undergraduate/apply-track/writing-personal-statement
Personal Statement Extra-curricular interests are important BUT… Super-curricular is just as important i.e. showing a deep commitment to the subject Demonstrate this through interesting and relevant subject-related activities or detailed knowledge of aspects of the subject.
Offers Made from October onwards – can be as late as the end of April. Can require: specific A Level and AS Grades. UCAS points. a combination of the two.
Example offer 2016 Law
Example – Film Production – showing use of EPQ
Student Finance Student Finance Wales – all UK students must register. Registration for Student Finance from March to May – online address http://www.studentfinancewales.co.uk/
Russell Group Universities Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Cardiff, Durham, Edinburgh, Exeter, Glasgow, Imperial College London, King's College London, Leeds, Liverpool, London School of Economics, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham, Oxford, Queen Mary University of London, Queen's University Belfast, Sheffield, Southampton, University College London, Warwick, York
UCAS Preparation Evening 2016