University Relations Division 2013 Budget Request April 16, 2013
University Relations 2013 Budget Request Proposals To Strengthen Our Efforts University Web Services to move from ATUS to University Relations. –This action will facilitate a better coordinated approach to Western’s communications and marketing efforts via print, video, social media and web sites. Western has significantly increased its work and contributions to economic development in the region and state through work being conducted by University Relations. To integrate and enhance those efforts, two actions are being proposed: –The creation of the Front Door to Discovery Program Pilot Program funded through one-time funds –A change in reporting lines for The Small Business Development Center from CBE to University Relations. It is proposed that the University Relations Division be renamed to better capture the scope of responsibilities carried out in the Division.
University Relations 2013 Budget Request Tier I –Visual Journalist$ 68,938 –Enhancing Western$ 50,000 –Web Services Campus Support$ 28,900 –Strengthen Commitment to SBDC$ 55,000 Tier II –University Relations Admin. Assistant$ 14,300 Position Adjustment TOTAL REQUEST $217,238