Geology 5660/6660 Applied Geophysics 26 Feb 2016 © A.R. Lowry 2016 For Mon 29 Feb: Burger (§8.4) Last Time: Industry Seismic Interpretation Seismic inversion = using velocity information for physical properties, true depth, better resolution via depth migration 3D visualization (“data caves”) an important part of process 4D seismic: Multiple 3D reflection images over time aid in optimization of reservoir production Salt structures are especially challenging but have been a focus of innovation EM imaging is a tool of growing importance; electrical resistivity is sensitive to fluids and clay content Knowledge of geological processes key to interpretation!!!! BUT, it’s critically important to also recognize artefacts/processing limitations of the seismic reflection data.
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Ground Penetrating Radar: Radar electromagnetic waves (light) at radio frequencies (50 to 1000 MHz). Governed by physics of the wave equation (so in some respects it is very similar to seismic methods: V = f !) Requires a source and receiver ( dipole antennae for both) Source transmits a single pulse: but can transmit and receive millions of pulses per second! 0 5x10 -9 s Amplitude time Power frequency 10 Mhz
Display is very much like seismic: Amplitude (voltage) versus time on a “trace”. Source-receiver is usually near zero-offset (but can use NMO profiling, CMP gathers) High frequency requires high sampling rate, very precise electronics. Lots more source/receiver obs denser spatial sampling Higher frequency higher resolution High attenuation very shallow (< a few 10s of m) Two-way travel time (µs)
Like seismic, waves are reflected & transmitted at interfaces with differing impedance properties: layer 1 layer 2 E0E0 E1E1 E2E2 Snell’s law applies. Amplitude dependence is somewhat different because there is only one type of wave. Reflection R & Transmission T coefficients are identical to seismic (for 90° angle of incidence): where Z i is the electromagnetic impedance in layer i.
Recall for seismic: Acoustic Impedance Z i = i V i For Electromagnetic Impedance, where: = frequency = dielectric permittivity = relative magnetic permeability = electrical resistivity = 1/ = electrical conductivity r is called the dielectric constant (or “relative permittivity”): a complex variable. All of these parameters (except frequency ) are physical properties of the medium, so like impedance & velocity in seismic studies, these contain information about the targeted volume!
Most modern radar sections are converted from two-way travel-time to depth using an assumed value for velocity… Important to note that
Soil and Rock Properties: Relative Magnetic Permeability ~ 1 for most rocks; 1.05 for hematite 5 for magnetite Dielectric Constant r (= relative permittivity) (real part): (dry) (wet) (defined as: ) magnetic flux density magnetic field intensity 430 soil 330 sand 512sandstone 740 clay water8088 (fresh) (brine) 48limestone 515shale