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Q | SUMMARY LATAM Back to the beginning Back to the beginning #SlowGrowth A weak external demand reduces the growth in the region reaching 2.25% GDP growth YTD Oct., the lowest rate in 4 years #ExchangeRates LatAm under influence of global financial market volatility, responded to it by controlling exchange rate volatility. #LessFood Foods Basket the most affected in the region with the lowest growth mainly in Colombia and Mexico (1) Source: IMF – 2013
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CHILE ARGENTINA BRAZIL BOLIVIA PERU ECUADOR VENEZUELA COLOMBIA MÉXICO CAM BOLIVIA #PracticalityIsTrend in clothes care basket and powder soap #Dosage in personal care basket #HealthyJuices entering to the Bolivian households #GovernmentalMeasures double year bonus announced creating uncertainty in the private sector ARGENTINA #ConsumptionGrows but stills being affected by the price increases. #DryFoods&Infusions Grows even when having the highest price increase. #TopBrands of each category are driving the basket #ProximityIsTheKey of the household’s consumption With 1 click on the country you open the most significant insights, with another click you close them CHILE #LowerSEL drive the market higher spending from Q3.13 vs Q3.12 #HighSEL in the last 3 years, a decrease in spending and consumption is noticed in this SEL households #TraditionalTrade achieves development in recent years, increasing participation in the Chilean market PERU #LowerConsumptionLevel Generated by less purchase trips #ModernTrade Housewives increasing their purchase frequency in this channel #HighSEL are maintaining the basket BRAZIL #PurchaseFrequencyFalling the chance of being chosen is dwinling #MediumClassSustainingConsumption In 2013 the C class that migrated from D / E continues consuming and driving purchase. #TraditionalTrade the channel that had lower volume and ticket before, now joins the big ones CENTROAMÉRICA #SlightGrowInCAMBasket moderate growth in Basket in Central America, where the cluster of Personal Care is not recovered. #BeveragesContributesPositively Beverages cluster contributes to the basket growth in CAM, influenced mainly by juices, nectars and sodas #DairyPositiveContribute dairy cluster achieves growth mainly influenced by the category of powder milk COLOMBIA #SpendingRecovery Without further impact, in the short term households reactivate its consumption #HighSELSpendMore High SEL are driving the development of spending without compensating the fall in low and middle SEL households #MoreHouseCleaning Beverages and food are still losing spend while home care is gaining frequency #PremiumConsumption Household spending in migrating to premium categories, generating a loss of basic consumer categories VENEZUELA #AccumulatedInflation Already in September, they reached the estimate for 2013 #FewExistance the shortage of supplies persist in all categories #NewRules The government made official an additional 10% in the minimum wage since November 1st MEXICO #SupermarketGoesDown in the last trimester, supermarkets are losing value #TraditionalTrade categories of high rotation are gaining importance in the traditional trade #LessLoyalConsumers in modern trade, specially in warehouses #GlobalSituationAffects we begin to see some features of the recessive environment in Q3 ECUADOR #PersonalCareGrows 4 of 10 categories with the bigger penetration growth are from Personal Care basket, highlighting the recovery of creams, makeup and fragrances. #BasicProductsDevelopment Oils & butters, detergent and powder milk are the fastest growing categories in Volume. #NewBrandsOfSoftDrinks top brands like soft drinks and juices contract, but a new powder tea brand helps to stabilize the basket #BaseOfThePyramid&ModernTrade Lower SEL and supermarkets are the major contributors to market growth
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam BOL BRA ARG
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam
Q | KEY INDICATORS Back to the beginning Back to the beginning
Q | KEY INDICATORS Back to the beginning Back to the beginning