Laney College Institutional Effectiveness Goal Indicators: Proposal for Adoption Draft Proposal June 13, 2016
Context for Institutional Effectiveness Goal Indicators Per California Education Code Section , the State Chancellor’s Office: Creates a statewide Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Division overseeing the development and operation of a comprehensive program to further student success. Develops a framework of IE indicators focused on (i) accreditation, (ii) fiscal viability, (iii) student performance, and (iv) compliance with state and federal guidelines. Requires each college/district to develop and publish its IE goal indicators; and monitor, measure, and implement a framework of data analysis and standards that will support the College addressing the issues associated with accreditation sanctions, and students will benefit from fiscally and operationally effective institutions. Requests the College to go through a process adopting its IE goals Password: 429nk8$
IE Goals Framework and Adoption Process-Steps Education Present the IE Goals Indicator Process to Institutional Effectiveness Committee, Executive Council, Administrative Leadership Council, Faculty Senate and College Council Discussion Integration with Education Master Plan Data and Relevant Goals Build a culture of success, belonging and pride Increase student success, retention, transfer and completion Provide pathways from adult school, high school, community based. organizations, and other student populations, to careers, degrees, certificates and/or transfer Discuss the proposed indicators and action plan First year Experience Equity Basic Skills Gain Approval Publish to Institutional Effectiveness Webpage
Proposed Institutional Effectiveness Indicators Remedial Rate (Math) (Percentage of credit students tracked for six years who started below transfer level in mathematics and completed a college-level transfer course in the same discipline). Current: 31% Laney’s Goal: Short (32%) and Long (35%) 12.Remedial Rate (English) (Percentage of credit students tracked for six years who started below transfer level in English and completed a college-level transfer course in the same discipline).Current: 22% Laney’s Goal: Short (26%); Long (30%) 15.Successful Course Completion Percentage of Fall Term credit course enrollments where students earned a grade of C or better. Current: 67% Laney’s Goal: Short (68%) Long (72%) College Choice (The College also created a Goal for optional indicator #9, Completion Rates for Unprepared Students. The College has programs in Equity, First Year Experience and Basic Skills that align will help improve performance in this area.) Current 33% Laney’s Goal: Short (35%) and Long (36%)