3 rd March 2006EUS Consortium meeting EUS Instrument Overview Eric Sawyer RAL
3 rd March 2006EUS Consortium meeting Topics Instrument requirements/goals Rastering Material selection Instrument overview Consortium contributions
3 rd March 2006EUS Consortium meeting Instrument Requirements/Goals For the current baseline study Length 1 metre Mass 18kg Aperture 70mm diameter Detector pixel size 10 microns Spatial resolution 1 arc sec Spectral resolution 50 to 100 mA Wavelength ranges , 970 – 1040, rd order FOV 0.75 arc sec x 20 arc min
3 rd March 2006EUS Consortium meeting Rastering East west rastering is required to build up an image. Moving the primary causes performance loss unless pivoted about the slit. This would make for a very complex system. Alternative solution is to move the whole instrument. Combine with instrument mounting system Similar system to CDS
3 rd March 2006EUS Consortium meeting Material selection Cesic baseline for optical components and primary structure This is a carbon reinforced silicon carbide Good strength and stiffness, low CTE, high conductivity. Discussions with ECM regarding manufacturability. (NIRSPEC) Possible prototype structure
3 rd March 2006EUS Consortium meeting Herschel telescope in Silicon carbide
3 rd March 2006EUS Consortium meeting Optical concept
3 rd March 2006EUS Consortium meeting
3 rd March 2006EUS Consortium meeting Consortium contributions