Empire of Ghana
HSS 7.4 Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the sub-Saharan civilizations of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai in Medieval Africa.
(7 th ) Chapter 6-1 Cornell Notes Key Terms
Tunka Manin
Heading 1: “Ghana Controls Trade Ghana 1 st empire to control trade routes for profit; 300 A.D.: small groups farmers fight invaders water/pastures; Ghana rich in salt, gold; silent barter system = trade w/out talking, kept locations secret; Koumbi Saleh big trading city.
Check for Understanding Participation: Turn to your partner and discuss the following: What is an advantage to silent bartering?
Heading 2: Ghana Builds An Empire 800 A.D.: fully in control trade routes; trade safer, influence grows; tax people coming in/going out; only king owns gold; Ghana people also taxed; conquered local rulers made governors; Tunka Manin peak of empire.
Check for Understanding Speculation: Which of the following factors could cause the most trouble for Ghana rulers? 2.tax people coming in/going out; 1.only king owns gold; 3.Ghana people also taxed; 4.conquered local rulers made governors;
Heading 3: “Ghana’s Decline” 1000 AD Ghana collapses; 3 Factors: 1. Almoravids (Muslim Berbers) invade; 2. Game herds overgrazed/ruin land; 3. Internal rebellions caused loss of control trade routes. Ghana’s Decline 1000’s A.D.; Ghana collapses; 1. Almoravids invade; 2. their herds overgraze, farmers leave; 3. internal rebellions lose control trade routes.
Question: Which of the following factors best helped Ghana to become an empire? 1. agriculture 2. iron technology 3. trade Check for Understanding