The Early Middle Ages Western Europe in the wake of the Roman Empire
Early Middle Ages Remember: – The West had been continuously settled more and more by northern, western, and eastern invaders 4 th century – 7 th century – City life therefore gives way to a more rural life – Communication and therefore trade interrupted by conditions of the roads and threats to safety – 7 th century – 11 th century – the new threat is Islam – Communication and therefore trade interrupted by conditions of sealanes – decline of coastal urban centers
Early Middle Ages Remember: – City-folk migrate to the country; coastal-city-folk migrate inland also – Larger rural estates become center of western society – Distinctions between large landholders and poorer workers – Local barter economies – Functions of the Christian church fill vacuum of authority
Early Middle Ages Remember: – Cathedrals become center of local city life – Hierarchical administration of church replaces old Roman bureaucracy – Monasticism as reaction – Bishops of Rome make a claim to superiority: 5 th – 6 th centuries are important for promoting papal primacy
Early Middle Ages Chief characteristic: absence of central political authority – One versus Many – Only one figure achieved a significant degree of centralization between the 6 th and 11 th centuries: Charlemagne