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Section C-Chapter 8- L9(P: ) Ethnicity and Social Networks
In the last chapters: as 6 we know: When you belong to same group = you speak same Therefore, the community has many different groups = so some people share linguistics features with other speakers = features reflect= social status Ethnicity- social identities
In Chapter 7you studied= Linguistics features reflects: Gender (women+ men) Age (teenage+ adult+elders
In 8 you will study Ethnicity Social networks = to reflect people speech pattern + concept and community practice
Ethnicity/ via languages People use different L just to reflect their ethnic identity (see example 1:P:184) Although someone is bilingual, but stick to one L in his communication So, they signal their entity or ethnicity by the language they choose to use 4. the funny is: sometimes is difficult to carry on a meaning full conversation in ethnic L
What features they use then Short phrases fillers tags
For e.g: A conversation may start in English_ suddenly shift to ethnicity L Look example 2(P:18 5) use Newzeland ethnicity for greeting although the are speaking in E Kia-ora
Mau insert Emphatic phrase as eki’ Or soft tag ne Response ae(ummm) As Chinese in shopping use la (no translation for it) but expressive Answer Exercise 1 :P:185
In chapter 3 you notice: How people lost their symbol of ethnicity, the mother or minority language and how it disappear or dead by force or willingly Examples for these groups are: Italian and (In Sydney and New York) African American and Hispanics(latin) in Chicago Indian and Pakistanis…etc (P: 185)
Minorities are so clever(mean it or n’t!)How They use majority language, but in a way signals their ethnic identity constructs For group who don’t carry their ethnicity physical feature, this cleverness helps them to show their own identity or as a symbol.accent They also, use food, religion and dress to separate them from other ethnicities.
Examples P: 186: As Italians in Boston use special vernacular pronunciations for vowels like the vowel in(short)( and (horse) Italians in Sydney use (use Australian English vowels ) In New Zealand Scottish use Scottish language feature. (example: they pronounce (r) in part and star know as Scottish markers and ethncity.
Also America Jewish They signal their accent ethnicity wherever they go a round the World. As Jewish in Boston and New York have distinctive pronunciation features as some tags (as oy. vay) Yiddish: insert their ethnic vocabulary to English like(glitch خلل –schlemiel( غبي (-bagel كعك
African American Vernacular English ِ see Example 3 –P:186 Aint (isn’t)(I’m not) Alse lef(left) Their problem is not that much, they don’t need to use any vernacular to know them ( because their physical African feature is so clear, but They create special variety of English called African American Vernacular (AAVE). It has special feature that are not found in standard mainstream American English…………..this reflect ehnicity
Look example 4: P:187) comparing bw AVE and ASE They omit the verb to be (is ) widely in their speech. Another example: Detroit speech: White American never omit the copula verb to be African American(from lower class) did
In grammar also AAVE They use verb to be for recurring or repeated action.