Society Highlights In Review 2016 Annual Meeting June 8 th 2016
Mission Video You Tube Library & Website Enhancements.
Media Source Book Created with members contact information so that the media can easily utilize our members investment knowledge.
ASFIP Foundation To provide life-long learning and development in financial and investment knowledge in order to contribute to the stability and success of individuals and families in our community. The ASFIP Foundation was created by members of the Atlanta Society of Financial and Investment Professionals to support the community by enhancing our neighbors’ understanding of finance, economics and investing. The Foundation will work on two fronts in the community. First, the Foundation partners with other nonprofit organizations with similar goals to teach students and adults about financial literacy, creating jobs, generating wealth and helping manage it. We are proud to provide support to: Junior Achievement Community Foundation for Financial Literacy Georgia Council on Economic Education Second through the Foundation, Society members also mentor and educate local college students and provide them with an opportunity to gain hands-on experience managing an investment fund and learning about philanthropy. Members of the ASFIP have demonstrated their talent and dedication to the highest standards of professionalism. The Foundation offers an opportunity for members to use their skills to contribute to our community and to enhance the lives of people throughout the Metro Atlanta area. Together, we can impact our community by giving families the confidence and knowledge to take control of their financial future.
Member Directory | Find a CFA As we continue to use media and to drive traffic to our site, we believe this takes us the last mile in connection of members and potential clients.
Programs, Networking, Engagement We had an abundance of activity this year!
Social Media Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube Grow your own personal network Follow Subscribe Share Like Favorite Follow us on | Retweet, Share & Like our Tweets 1,017 Tweets, 485 Following, 665 Followers Follow our company page ASFIP and join our group ASFIP on LinkedIn 436 Followers and 648 group members Check out and subscribe to our YouTube channel 67 videos and 2,765 views
Volunteer Join our team Support our mission Make a difference We are always recruiting volunteers, so submit a volunteer profile, or talk to Board members or Committee Chairs at one of our events. Time commitments start from as little as an hour a month or less.