What Is Global Warming?What Is Global Warming? Global warming is the average temperature rising over the years, because we are over populating and creating to much greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide comes out of dead plants, animal, heaters, cars, factories and electricity. There is also Methane, Fluorinated Gases and Nitrous Oxide but there is not a lot of them. We now have way too much Greenhouse gases to prevent the solar energy from leaving the Earth. This is how the Earth is getting dramatically warmer.
Causes Of Enhanced Global Warming Greenhouse gas is important because it warms the tempeture up. Now that the world is overpopulating we are creating to much greenhouse gas which is stopping the heat from escaping out to the atmosphere which is causing Global Warming. It is making winter shorter and warmer, In summer the weather can get extremely hot which we are not used to. We have never had the problem of over population and Greenhouse gases being out of control and everywhere. If we keep living the way we are Global Warming will enhance and crops will die and so will we.
Impacts Of Global Warming Social & Economic Global Warming will impact us socially by changing our lives and our daily activities. If we continue to live the same way it will cause Drought, heatwaves, sea level rises, storms and floods worse than you have ever seen before. It will all be cause by the polution we create and the Greenhouse gases. Britain is most probably going to be one of the most effect socially because of the way they live. When the Global warming changes all food, health care, petrol etc will become much more expensive. There will be less of everything. We won’t have the space, people, money, weather & material to grow the food we need to survive. We will not be bringing money in form tourist attractions because no one will be going place because it will be too expensive. The place that will be most effected for social will be Bangladesh because they do not have the resources to rebuild.
Impacts Of Global Warming Political & Enviromental When the tempeture starts to rise dramatically the politics are going to have to be helping eachother out. It could cause world wars if someone becomes t greedy. Politics start giving false information. It might make us all more divided because we all caused this mess and now we have to live with it. Qatar is the world greediest country so they will not be helping other countries so they won’t help them therefore they will die. So much is going to happen to the enviroment. There has already been so much damage cutting down trees so they can build a city when we need oxegyn to survive and by killing trees it lets out carbon. All the crops we grow will die because of the change and need crops to survive and so do animals. Africas enviroment will be affected because they are already in drought. Everywhere is so far away so it will be hard to walk that far in drought and Global Warming.
What Are The Main Green House GasesWhat Are The Main Green House Gases Four of the major Greenhouse Gases are Fluorinated Gases, Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Nitrous Oxide. Gas% Fluorinated Gases3% Carbon Dioxide82% Methane10% Nitrous Oxide5%
The Fluorinated Gase is a Man-made gas and it is so strong that it can stay in the atmosphere for centuries. It contributes to the greenhouse gases to stop heat from leaving the earth. Carbon Dioxide is vital to life on earth. Though we are over populating so is the Carbon Dioxide. It comes out of dead plant, heaters, cars, electricity, factories ect. Alothough it is vital to life on the earth we now have to much of it and it is not doing us any good at all. Methane is a chemical. It is the simplest alkane and the main component of natural gas. Methane is not found everywhere so it isnt a massive problem unlike Carbon Dioxide. Nitrous Oxide is also known as laughing gas. It is a chemical compound with the formula n2O. It is a very little threat because it only makes up 5% in the Greenhouse Gases. Green Houses Gases Explained
Mitigation strategies We have done so much damage that we can not stop this from happening but we can slow it down and make it less of an impact. Become vegetarian because then there will be less methane. Switch to Solar panels or turn power off by the wall after using it Get on your bike and ride Wash dishes by hand and clothes Reduce phone times Hang clothes on the line Have your own vegie garden Use Air Condition or Heater if really nessacary. Keep lights off that don’t need to be on. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Get Energy Efficent Stuff Use less hot water Use native plants in your land scaping Buy local, organic and in-season foods. Drink tap water Renewable energy sources Fly Less
References global_warming.htm global-politics-and-strategy-april-may e37/ herman-171c global-warming/ warming/gw-effects/