Welcome to Pre-Algebra Ms. Beecher, Room C105 Take a moment to look at projects around the room, or solve the brain teaser and brain crusher.
PreAlgebra Algebraic Concepts – matching equations or inequalities that reflect a given situation, solving and checking 1 and 2 step equations and inequalities, combining like terms, multi-step equations and inequalities Real and Rational Numbers – integers, (signed decimals and fractions), exponents & square roots Data Analysis – measures of central tendencies, double stem & leaf plots, double box & whisker plots, drawing comparisons from bar and circle graphs, histograms, Mean Absolute Deviation Plane & 3D Geometry – basic geometric concepts; perimeter, area, circumference, 2D figure resulting from slicing a 3D figure, volume and surface area; Pythagorean Theorem Ratio and Similarity –rates, ratios & unit rates, proportions, similar figures, indirect measurement, constant of proportionality Percents – conversion between fractions, decimals & percents; application using tax, commission, etc; estimating percents Probability – theoretical and experimental, finding possible number of outcomes, dependent and independent events
Getting Started Mini-project, Self Portrait Using Math Scavenger Hunt of room Materials: book cover, math binder, 3 dividers, lined paper and pencils Pre-Assessment & grouping for computation units
Grading System Assessments = 95% of the grade One retake per assessment, 2 nd score stands Homework = 5% of the grade; prepares students for check ins & assessments No individualized extra credit Projects
Homework Purpose - to extend the classroom learning and provide time to practice math skills Usually 8-15 problems per night Assigned on a regular basis Found on the backboard and Schoology Must be completed for the date due, Late homework is not accepted
Late/Missed Work Students have as many days to make up the work as the number of days absent. Tests and quizzes must be made up in one week’s time. Every day a project is late 5 points is taken off the grade earned. After one week’s time the student must stay after school to complete the project and a 25% deduction is given.
Extra Help & Resources:0) Before school and after school when prior arrangements have been made. Sapphire – access your student ’ s grades Schoology – videos, games, worksheets, assignments Online textbook: pre-alg.com, Space Needle cover, access code BBEA328FE5 Videos, Step by step examples, Self Check Quizzes, Mid-Chapter Quizzes, Practice Tests, ONE homework folder, Texas Instruments TI-30X IIS calculatorTexas Instruments TI-30X IIS
Parent Teacher Communication Calls home will be made during lunch or after school Meetings at 7:30am or 8:50am, when scheduled in advance I’m reachable via (preferred method) Phone
Community of Caring Upper Merion Area Middle School is a Community of Caring School. The 5 values are: trust, family, caring, respect, and responsibility. These values are reinforced by our interactions with students/teachers and within various lessons. Any student is welcome to join the Community of Caring organization!
Thank you for coming tonight!