RECLASSIFICATION PYLUSD Reclassification Rates through
Reclassification Criteria The purpose of reclassification is to verify that English Learners have acquired English listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills at the level of a native speaker of English. The State Board of Education established the following reclassification criteria: 1.English proficiency (CELDT) 2.Academic skills in English /language arts section of the California Standards Test (CST) 3.Teacher evaluation 4.Parent consultation PYLUSD has two periods of reclassification during the school year: 1. Fall reclassification– August / September 2. Spring reclassification-February
Reclassification Criteria The principal reclassification criteria are: 1. English proficiency – based on the CELDT, a minimum score of Early Advanced (EA) overall and Intermediate or better on each of the subtests: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 2. Academic skills – based on the California Standards Tests in English /language arts; 3rd grade : Proficient (350) level on CST 4th-9th grade : a minimum level at the mid- point of Basic (score 325 or above) 10th-12th grade: a minimum level of Basic (score 300 or above) 3. Teacher evaluation in support of reclassification – based on teacher’s knowledge of student’s English / language arts skills. 4. Parent consultation
AMAO 1 – Annual Progress in Learning English Percent of Students Meeting the Annual Growth Objective
AMAO 2 – Attain English Proficiency Percent of ELs Attaining English Proficiency on CELDT
AMAO 3 Academic Achievement English Language Arts Percent of EL Subgroup meeting AYP targets in ELA
AMAO 3 Academic Achievement Mathematics Percent of EL Subgroup meeting AYP targets in Mathematics
Consequences of not meeting AMAOs If Title III LEA does not meet any one or more of the three AMAOs in any year, it must: – Inform the parents of all ELs in the LEA that the AMAOs have not been met – If not met for 2 consecutive years, an improvement plan must be developed – If not met for 4 consecutive years, the state shall require the LEA to modify its curriculum, program, and method of instruction
WEBSITES (animated diagrams, description and audio-video of sounds) (reference materials including thesaurus, dictionary, and encyclopedia) (HM support materials for EL incl. vocabulary cards, word lists, ideas for theme walls, etc.) (flash cards, worksheets, ELD resources and links to many other resources) (songs, rhymes, flashcards, worksheets, and ELD resources) (links to many ELD websites) (clipart) (reading support including phonics and vocabulary practice) (HM Support) (grammar resources) (grammar worksheets) (grammar resources) (grammar reference) EL Program :
ROSETTA STONE A completely immersive environment. As a child, you learned to speak instinctively by experiencing the world around you. Our solution recreates this experience through a fully immersive environment right on your computer. No translation or memorization. We’ve eliminated the traditional approach of using translation and grammar rules, empowering you to think in your new language. There are no flash cards, dictionaries or memorization drills. A carefully designed sequence of activities. By surrounding you with words, images and the voices of native speakers, our method lets you progress naturally from words and phrases