Space Open Space Outer Space Personal Space
We are so good at Science, we are going for an award!
We share our science work with our parents. We have celebrations like British Scientist Day and British Science Week. Science is celebrated throughout the school with awards and assemblies celebrating special events e.g. British Scientist Day/British Science Week. Parents are well informed about science through newsletters. They are invited into school. A mum eating healthy food as part of year 5s Science/DT work.
We do lots of different and fun activities in our science lessons. There are a range of teaching and learning approaches being used – mind maps, annotated diagrams, classifying and grouping activities, questioning. Starting with a question Mind Mapping Annotated diagrams Grouping and classifying
Look at how good our science work is! Practical activities and hands on experiences. Concept mapping and concept cartoons introduced and used in classrooms. Experimenting and recording findings
We use lots of great resources in science! Children in year 5 using force meters and light meters in science lessons. Year 4 investigating teeth. Solar system sets bought for year 5 class for Earth and Space topic. Teachers and children make use of natural resources from the environment around them.
C1: All pupils are actively engaged in a science enquiry; using a variety of enquiry strategies, independently making decisions, using evidence to answering their own questions, solving real problems, evaluating their work. Pupils in year 4 solving a real life problem – ‘which drink is the worst for tooth decay?’ Children in year 1 coming up with their own questions to research for their science topic. Children in year 6 answering their own questions using evidence from research.
We enjoy our science experiences in school! Children in both Key Stages have the opportunity to sign up for a ‘Young Einstein's’ science club. This is very popular! The most important principle for us was to make science fun and engaging. Year 2 enjoying outdoor science learning! Year 5 enjoy investig ating during their science lessons
We enjoy our science experiences in school Our Reception class enjoyed learning about freezing and melting during their ‘Frozen’ topic Year 5 enjoyed learning about the phases of the moon using Oreo biscuits. Year 1 enjoyed keeping bean diaries during their ‘Growth and Green Fingers’ topic.
We have lots of science visits and visitors! Year 4 and reception have a visit from the zoo lab organisation. Year 4 having a visit from the dentist. Year 2 use the local outdoor environment – Beacon Park to explore seasonal changes. We plan enrichment opportunities for each year group – visits and visitors.
Watch the Video of the science experiment performed on the trip to Jodrell Bank.Video We love getting out and about and learning about science! We use free local organisations such as Asda, Tesco and Proctor and Gamble for our science work. Children in year 3 visited Asda to learn about healthy food. Year 5 enjoyed a trip to Jodrell Bank to learn about space.