AdvanSure ® for diagnosis of specific IgE Park, Jung-Won Allergy-Asthma Clinic, Severance Hospital
Food Allergy Anaphylaxis type Atopic dermatitis Eosinophil associated gastrointestinal disorder Heterogeneity of Th2 cell: IL-5 + (IL-4 +, IL-5 + ) vs. IL-5 - (IL-4 +, IL-5 - )
Allergic eosinophilic gastroenteritis is associated with greater frequency of peanut specific IL-5 producing T cells Prussin C et al J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009
Mast Cell Bioactive mediators of three categories
Schematic of original Radioallergosorbent Test
History Resolution of skin symptoms with complete elimination Development of symptoms following challenge Skin test, sIgE test DBPCFC Diagnosis of Food Allergy
Food Specific Ige (immuno-CAP RAST) values at /or above which there is a 95% risk of Clinical Allergy (no challenge necessary) Food Serum IgE (kIU/L) for 95% PPV Egg (child) >7 Cow’s milk (child) >15 Peanut >14 Fish >20
중요한 음식물 알레르겐 Classical allergens 땅콩 콩 달걀 우유 밀가루 : gliadine 견과류 : 호두, 아몬드 갑각류 : 새우, Lobster 생선 : 대구 메밀 Non-classical allergens (Oral allergy syndrome) 복숭아 사과 키위 생밤 참외
Allergen Panel of AdvanSure
Allergen Sources
Allergen Purification and Modification 기술
Allergen Quality Control
Production of Allergen-Coated Strips
Chip reader 개발 Data processing program 개발
AdvanSure sIgE 진단 kit Detection limit: 0.34 KU/L Result range: Negative (<0.35 KU/L) ~ <100 KU/L Serum requirement: 100 μL Processing time: 3 hr
Analysis of discrepant results btw AdvanSure and RIDA compared with ImmunoCAP (n=633) Agreement rate btw AdvanSure and RIDA: 73.9% Oh EJ, et al Kor J Lab Med
AdvanSure® system showed good detection performance compared with ImmunoCAP® system in correlation and agreement. Upgrading of allergen item in panel may be needed. Conclusion