How to get published in EJHG
EJHG key metrics 2015 IF (2014: 4.225) No 36 /167 in ‘Genetics and Heredity’ No 70 /289 in ‘Biochemistry and Mol Biology’ Submission to 1 st answer 27 days (2014: 30) Accept till AOP 29 days (50% < 25 days) Time to print 24 weeks (2014: 35 weeks) 2016 target 16 weeks
ARTICLE TYPES Regular manuscripts typically fit in one of the below categories, see also Guide to Authors: (Sizes app. x3 in 2-line 12p typescript). Articles (typically 5-12 pages) Short Reports (up to 4 pages) Reviews Letters (no abstract) Policy Viewpoints Practical Genetics Clinical Utility Gene Cards Book Reviews
READ THE GUIDE TO AUTHORS (CAREFULLY)! Non-conformity causes by far the most delay: Length Formats Also in the review phase: Nomenclature (HGVS – DNA # RNA # Protein) Data publishing (NCBI / dbGaP / EGA / LOVD) Please note: Your institute’s own web site is NOT a publicly accessible database: 4-y (url) survival ~ 40%
WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR? Of interest to the international community Novel and original findings Credibility They may be somewhat controversial But then they should be very topical Clarity of data and conclusions Brevity
WHAT IS SELECTED AGAINST? Reiterative/confirmative findings (archival) mutation series ‘semi-reviews’ (the litterature + your new data) (Somewhat) outdated approaches Single cases unless providing NEW insights not “the first case in our country” GWAS without independent validation Candidate gene associations unless validated, novel, expected high impact YOU WANT EJHG TO BE WELL - CITED
REVIEW PROCESS On submission of your manuscript you will receive an acknowledgement The Editor-in-Chief determines: If the manuscript is within the scope of the Journal If the paper should be considered by a Section Editor The SE also considers; if in principle suitable Sends out to reviewers (usually 4-7 asked!) [ 36% ] If not: editorial rejection [64%] Based on the reviews (a.o.), SE recommends: Accept, minor or major revision, or (almost) reject Overall EJHG acceptation rate ~ 30%
WHEN YOU RESUBMIT Include a cover letter indicating response to points raised. A good way: repeat each of the reviewers’ points in italics and follow with your own response. Changes in the ms should be highlighted Even if you judge the reviewer to be incompetent or not to have understood your paper, still use tactful language It is nowadays harder than you think to get 2-3 reviewers, so have some patience. We often have to approach 6 people! But don’t hesitate to contact the editorial office if you have heard nothing after ~6 weeks
ONCE PUBLISHED : PROMOTION & VISIBILITY Selected articles are press ‑ released Electronic table of contents (e ‑ ToC alerts) with direct links to all newly published articles are sent each month Selected articles appear on homepage and NPG’s community and subject based platforms, All key abstracting, indexing and linking services including ISI, PubMed, Medline, Embase and Crossref. Cross ‑ promote with other NPG titles and Adverts / flyers / reprint collections / conference promotion / online promotions / banners / campaigns / direct mail YOU: Tweet / Facebook your paper !
SOME WEB STATS 2015 (2014) 1,65 million page ‘views’ (+6%) 1.2 million full ‑ text article views (+9%) 120,000 abstract views (+3%) 60,500 e ‑ alert registrants (-12%)
SUMMARY Look carefully at the scope of your paper Read the instructions for authors carefully Get help with your presentation or language if appropriate Take all feedback positively NPG publishes a whole range of journals for you to choose from Our reach is global We will make your paper visible and publish it quickly Any questions ? Contact us !