Pupil Pledge The Character Awards
R E S P E C T Year 7 Year 8 & 9 Character Awards Year 10
Student A Student B Results: Maths – B Science – B English – A* History – B German - B Results: Maths – B Science – B English – A* History – B German - B Football team School Council Lots of books from the school library
Pupil Pledge How does it work? There are 7 areas to the Pledge which make up RESPECT. o R - Respectful o E - Extra Curricular o S - School Support o P - Peer Support o E - Environment o C - Community o T – Trips
How do you complete a Pledge? Each part of RESPECT consists of a selection of Pledges. You must complete half of each section to be awarded with that pledge piece for your badge. Each member of staff can only sign off one pledge in each section, so think carefully about who can authorise your achievements.
What is the benefit? The three layers of Character Awards are all kept in a presentation wallet for you to take to interviews with you. Bronze Award – Year 7. Silver Award – Year 8 and 9. Gold Award – Year 10.
Respectful Have attendance of over 98% by Easter. Be helpful in the canteen by taking your table’s trays back before sitting down to eat with your friends. Earn 1,000 points through ‘Points make Prizes’ in a year. Be awarded ‘Star of the week’ for your form group twice. Be awarded ‘Pupil of the month’ for your year group. Be polite and well-mannered at all times, wishing people a good morning, smiling and holding doors for people. Earn a Departmental badge for exceptional progress. Receive 6 praise postcards home. Have no removes each year. Extra-Curricular Join and regularly attend an extra-curricular activity, STEM club, Choir etc. Borrow and read 30 books from your school library or keep a reading journal of books you have read at home or in form time. Regularly represent our school in a Sports Team. Regularly attend after school revision classes or homework club. Represent your house on Sports Day. Perform or support a Performing Arts Production. School Support Become a Sports Captain. Become a Careers Representative. Help a member of staff with a task that goes above and beyond the every day. Regularly help your teacher and tidy up at the end of the day. Uphold our school reputation by always having smart uniform both in and out of school. Participate in a form assembly. Peer Support Join the School Council. Be spotted supporting another pupil. Contribute regularly to the pupil voice suggestion box. Welcome a new student into your friendship group and help them to find their lessons and classrooms. Participate in the Reading Buddy Project. Enjoy a lunch-time activity club with friends, displaying model behaviour and sportsmanship eg. Table tennis club. Environmental Take part in an organised litter picking activity Be spotted by a member of staff picking up litter that isn’t yours. Encourage the use of the recycling bins and promote energy saving behaviours around the school. Design an anti-bullying poster to be displayed by the Pastoral team. Become a Puzzle Club helper in the Small Hall. Community Participate in an event involving our local primary schools. Visit a local gallery or museum. Attend a remembrance service. Take part in a form fundraising activity. Join and regularly attend a club of your choice outside of school. Be invited to help out on Open Evening. Prepare a meal for your family. Trip Take part in a school trip, whilst displaying model behaviour. Write a high-quality account of your day out on a school trip. Enjoy a trip to the theatre. Attend an outward bound experience. Be invited to attend a reward trip. Receive the accolade in your form group for punctuality, attendance or lowest removes for a term. Pupil Pledge Bronze Award
Pupil Pledge Silver Award Respectful Have attendance of over 96% by Easter. Have a detailed and well used planner all year with at least 3 months of evidence. Demonstrate resilience in a lesson. Earn 600 points through ‘Points make Prizes’ in a year. Be awarded ‘Star of the week’ for your form group three times over two years. Be awarded ‘Pupil of the month’ for your year group. Be polite and well-mannered at all times, wishing people a good morning, smiling and holding doors for people. Earn a Departmental badge for exceptional progress. Receive 8 praise postcards home. Have no removes each year. Extra-Curricular Regularly attend an extra-curricular activity, STEM club, Choir etc. Borrow and read 20 books from your school library or keep a reading journal of books your have read at home or in form time. Regularly represent our school in a Sports Team. Proactively represent your house on Sports Day. Perform or support a Performing Arts Production. Play a musical instrument and have lessons. School Support Become a Sports Captain. Become a Careers Representative. Be a leader in an event involving our local Primary Schools. Help a member of staff with a task that goes above and beyond the every day. Uphold our school reputation by always having smart uniform both in and out of school. Take the lead in a form assembly. Peer Support Join the School Council. Be spotted supporting another pupil. Contribute regularly to the pupil voice suggestion box. Welcome a new student into your friendship group and help them to find their lessons and classrooms. Participate in the Reading Buddy Project. Enjoy a lunch-time activity club with friends, displaying model behaviour and sportsmanship eg. Table tennis club. Environmental Take part in an organised litter picking activity Be spotted by a member of staff picking up litter that isn’t yours. Encourage the use of the recycling bins and promote energy saving behaviours around the school. Design a cyber-bullying awareness poster to be displayed by the ICT team. Participate in the PCSO scheme. Become a Puzzle Club Leader in the Small Hall. Community Participate in an event involving our local primary schools. Co-ordinate a charity event. Support your local community. Join and regularly attend a club of your choice outside of school. Be invited to help out on Open Evening. Prepare a meal for your family. Secure a role of responsibility beyond the classroom, eg. Paper round, Fuse Volunteer etc. Trip Take part in a school trip, whilst displaying model behaviour. Enjoy a trip to the theatre. Be invited to attend a reward trip. Receive the accolade in your form group for punctuality, attendance or lowest removes for a term.
Pupil Pledge Gold Award Respectful Have attendance of over 98% by Easter. Be resourceful and try a range of revision strategies to prepare for your mock exams. Earn 400 points through ‘Points make Prizes’ over the year. Have a perfectly completed planner with at least three months evidence. Create a revision timetable and glue it into your planner. Earn a Department badge for exceptional progress. Have no removes each year. Extra-Curricular Regularly attend afterschool revision classes in one or more subjects a week. Regularly represent our school in a Sports Team. Participate in ‘The Duke of Edinburgh Award.’ Attend Half-term, Whit and Easter School, where appropriate. Receive an impressive report from your employer during your work experience placement. School Support Aim to be selected as a Prefect by completing the five areas of the Prefect Pledge. Be selected as a Library Prefect. Become a sub-Prefect. Organise a ‘thank you’ card from your form to give to your form tutor. Become a Sports Captain. Become a Careers Representative. Script, organise and deliver a form assembly. Peer Support Be spotted by your teacher helping others around you learn. Contribute regularly to the pupil voice suggestion box. Show empathy and listen to others during stressful periods in Year 10. As a team, participate in the Young Enterprise scheme. Plan and run a Primary PE Sports Activity. Environmental Create a revision aid for a subject of your choice to be displayed in a classroom. Be spotted by a member of staff picking up litter that isn’t yours. Don’t let old exercise books go to waste; create revision flashcards from your class notes. Community Actively contribute to charity work or a community based project in or outside of school. Regularly attend your organised group’s meeting eg. Cadets, Guides or Orchestra. Assist in the Summer School Programme. Join the Trafford Youth Council. Secure a role of responsibility beyond the classroom, eg. Paper round, Fuse Volunteer etc. Trip Take part in a residential trip. Enjoy a trip to the Theatre. Be invited to attend a reward trip. Receive the accolade in your form group for punctuality, attendance or lowest removes in your year for a term.
Bronze Year 7 & 8 Silver Year 9 & 10 Gold Year 11 R Have attendance of over 90% Have no SIMs reports for poor behaviour for one year Receive a dollar for flawlessly presented work Receive a dollar from each of your subjects. Reflect on your learning and produce an extension piece of homework Be nominated as star of the week for one of your subjects E Join an extra-curricular activity Attend after school revision classes or homework club Represent your form in interform activities in P.E Represent your form in Sports Day Complete the reading log every week all year. Be resourceful and create a piece of work for your form board. S Help out at Open Day Help a member of staff with a task Help a member of staff in an extra-curricular activity Help out in the library Help your teacher and tidy up after a lesson Hand out the class books at the start of a lesson. P Be spotted supporting another pupil in class Proof-read a peers work and write two targets to help improve it. Help a sick or injured friend Support a peer completing their homework. Invite and introduce a peer to a new extra-curricular activity Help another pupil find their way around school if they look lost. E Take part in a form litter picking activity Be spotted by a member of staff picking up litter that isn’t yours Be part of Mr Carey’s litter picking team on a Monday lunch. Create a poster for your form board promoting a litter free school. C Visit a local gallery or museum Go to your local library and take out a book Attend a remembrance service Attend our carol service Take part in a form fundraising activity Join and regularly attend a club of your choice outside of school T Take part in a school trip Write a high-quality account of your day out on a school trip Design and create an exciting poster Dr Fox about your favourite activity from the Year 7 Team Building Trip. R Have attendance of over 93% Have no SIMs reports for poor behaviour for each year Have detailed planner Demonstrate resilience in a lesson Complete a high quality (publishable standard) review of a novel which you have read this year. Arrive on time to all your lessons E Regularly attend an extra-curricular activity Represent your form in Sports Day Reflect on your learning an produce some research that will help you in the next lesson Regularly attend afterschool revision classes in more than 3 subjects Perform or help in a school production or event Be resourceful and create a banner/poster to support your form during sports day S Help out at a Progress Evening Apply to be a subject leader Complete the Subject Leader Training Complete the Bronze Leadership Award Complete the Silver Leadership Award Become a prefect Regularly support the library staff at lunch once a week P Be resourceful and help create your form assembly Take part in a school/form assembly Support another Subject Leader in their Journey to Leadership. Represent your peers in Pupil Voice Groups Be an Anti-Bullying ambassador Design and produce an Anti-Bullying poster using your research and reading for your form. E Tend the AH Garden Be spotted by a member of staff picking up litter that isn’t yours Be resilient and co-ordinate a group of pupils to take part in Mr Carey’s litter picking team on a Monday lunch Take part in a pupil discussions to improve the school environment Support staff with classroom displays C Co-ordinate a charity event Raise £20 from a school charity event Attend our carol service Help out at our Senior Citizens Party Join the Trafford Youth Council Join a cadet group of your choice (Fire, Police, Army, Air or Sea Cadets) T To have experienced at least two school trips by the end of Year 10 R Have attendance of over 95% Be resourceful and try a range of revision strategies to prepare for your mock exams Have no SIMs reports for poor behaviour Have a perfect planner Receive at least 1,000 XP points Create a revision timetable and glue it in your planner E Support other pupils in an extra-curricular club Plan and lead an extra-curricular activity Complete one week of work related learning Join a book club Regularly attend afterschool revision classes in more than 4 subjects every week Attend a catch-up session afterschool to help meet a controlled assessment deadline S Volunteer to support at least two afterschool events Lead a team of subject leaders Organise a thank-you card from your form to give to your form tutor Help organise the Year 11 Prom Complete perfecting duties Complete the Gold Subject Leader Award P Demonstrate how to work successfully in a team to complete the task set Act as reading buddy Be spotted by your teacher helping others around you learn Be a leader in an event involving our local primary schools Help organise the presentation for the leavers assembly Show empathy and listen to others during stressful periods in Year 11 E Help Mr Carey by encouraging other pupils to join his litter picking team Volunteer to help at “The Big Tidy Up” Volunteer for a duty position at lunchtime to ensure the area is tidy Create a revision aid for a subject of your choice to be displayed in the room C Actively contribute to charity work or community based project in or out of school Raise at least £50 for a charity Take part in an international experience Regularly attend your cadets group’s meeting Interview a family member, neighbour or member of the community who you know about their reading habits. … T Take part in a residential trip