Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) For Young People, By Young People!
Lets start with What is YABT: The Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) is a non for profit corporation that works in cooperation with the Organization of American States (OAS) with the purpose of promoting social and economic development YABT’s programs, projects and activities focus on working with institutions in to create and to advance efforts to improve the quality of life of youth and young adults, especially those living in or near poverty. YABT offers a regional platform for the exchange of best practices in entrepreneurship, regional initiatives that offer economies of scale, and access to new, innovative approaches and strategies.
Leadership: Building a new generation of global and social responsible young leaders! Promoting the exchange of best practices, partnerships development, and the participation of young people in the policy development process.
Training: From the Idea to the Action!! Working with young people to providing the necessary tools to start a business and to experience what is to be an entrepreneur. Our Model: Awareness Creation: Mini Labs Conferences Capacity Building: Business Labs Follow up: Nex Links Scale Up: TIC Americas Take Off : Global TIC
TIC Americas is a program that rewards innovative businesses and speeds up the process by which young people are incorporated into the business market in the Americas. The model used by TIC Americas goes way beyond just elaborating a business plan, to include extended phases of follow‐up training, tutorials, international visibility, and prototype development.
1. Talent and Innovation Awards: Will be social ideas or business projects that demonstrate the talent and innovation of young entrepreneurs. Requirements: 1. Complete your Business Plan in the format provided by the competition. 2. Develop a website for your operations. 3. and a Promotional Video (no more than 3 minutes). 4. Between 1 and 10 members, aged between 13 and 36 years 5. The project cannot have been the winner of a TIC Americas award in the past. TIC Americas 2012 has Two Awards Categories
. TIC Americas 2012 has Two Awards Categories 1.Talent and Innovation Awards: 7 Price Recognitions: Spirit of Entrepreneurship Social Entrepreneurship New Markets Tradition and Culture Creative Design E-Business International Alliance People Choice Award*
TIC Americas 2012 has Two Awards Categories 2. EcoChallenge Awards: Will be social ideas or business projects that find solutions to problems of water and environmental conservation Requirements: 1. Submit proposal / project with the idea. 2. Website (optional) 3. Photos, a digital video or graphic presentation. 4. Between 1 and 10 members, aged between 13 and 36 years 5. Has not been a previous TIC Americas winner.
TIC Americas 2012 has Two Awards Categories 2. EcoChallenge Awards: YABT and PepsiCo will recognize the two teams that present the most innovative and feasible project or initiative to solve one of the following EcoChallenges: 1. Creating environmental awareness through a business idea; 2. Solve an environmental problem with your business idea.
Creating participatory channels for young people to contribute to the VI Summit of the Americas process increasing the level of awareness to the importance of this population group as being a public policy priority. April 10-13, 2012 / Cartagena, Colombia III Young Americas Forum Cartagena- Colombia
Virtual Dialogue: "Ideas of Impact: Young people’s innovations and contributions to the VI Summit of the Americas“ January 16 to March 1, 2012 Social and economic young entrepreneurs are invited to participate in the Virtual Dialogue by presenting viable course of action and how their projects relate and support the Sixth Summits’ four sub-themes: poverty and inequality, citizen security, natural disasters and access to technology and by responding to the following questions: - As a young entrepreneur, how does your project relate and contribute to the VI Summit subthemes? - As a young leader, what actions are you implementing in your community and how they contribute to the VI Summit subthemes? - How can an international alliance for youth development among Governments, International organizations and young people foster your efforts for a better living? As the VI Summit of the Americas process develops, a valuable opportunity arises for young people to contribute with viable, sustainable and applicable ideas and plans based on projects and actions that they are already executing in their communities. This Virtual Dialogue, to be open from January 16 to February 3, 2012, will focus on showcasing youth- lead, innovative and action-oriented proposals
For more information Contact: Luis Viguria Chief Executive Officer – Valerie Lorena Executive Director –