Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | New Examiner Orientation and Examiner Training Experience Welcome to … BALDRIGE
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Agenda Welcome & Introductions Course Overview Award Process Overview/Examiner Role Begin with the End in Mind Code of Ethical Conduct Key Factors One-on-one Coaching Wrap-Up
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program |
5–7 months Examiner Development Model: On-Boarding Preparation Assignment Baldrige Program Orientation Case Study New Examiner Orientation Examiner Preparation Team Assignment Planning for Year 2 Complete online modules. Participate in LinkedIn Discussions Complete pre work Participate in LinkedIn discussions Complete classroom training Peer coaching, improvement Complete classroom training. Peer learning, reflection, & feedback Complete IR Scorebook Possible Site Visit Peer learning, team leader cooaching Reflect on experience. Seek feedback from examiner peers & team leader. 1 st month 2 nd month
5–7 months Examiner Development Model: On-Boarding Preparation Assignment Baldrige Program Orientation Case Study New Examiner Orientation Examiner Preparation Team Assignment Planning for Year 2 Complete online modules. Participate in LinkedIn Discussions Complete pre work Participate in LinkedIn discussions Complete classroom training Peer coaching, improvement Complete classroom training. Peer learning, reflection, & feedback Complete IR Scorebook Possible Site Visit Peer learning, team leader cooaching Reflect on experience. Seek feedback from examiner peers & team leader. 1 st month 2 nd month
5–7 months Examiner Development Model: On-Boarding Preparation Assignment Baldrige Program Orientation Case Study New Examiner Orientation Examiner Preparation Team Assignment Planning for Year 2 Complete online modules. Participate in LinkedIn Discussions Complete pre work Participate in LinkedIn discussions Complete classroom training Peer coaching, improvement Complete classroom training. Peer learning, reflection, & feedback Complete IR Scorebook Possible Site Visit Peer learning, team leader coaching Reflect on experience. Seek feedback from examiner peers & team leader. 1 st month 2 nd month
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Examiner Roles New Examiner – 1 st year - team member Returning Examiner – years 2 – 5 - team member Senior Examiner - years 3 – 5 – team leader Alumni Examiner – 6 or more years, coach
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Code of Ethical Conduct Protect the integrity of the award process Exhibit professional conduct at all times Protect the promise of confidentiality Protect the program’s intellectual property
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Scenario 1: the answer is …… Examiners should not exploit their selection to the Board of Examiners. (BOE). There are no “secrets” for receiving the award and no guarantees for receiving a site visit. Also, the program prefers to understate the “winning” aspect of the process; it encourages a focus on continued self-improvement and the sharing of best practices to help organizations achieve performance excellence. Examiners may not use the MBNQA logo in any advertising/promotion (and business cards may not include “Baldrige examiner” or the MBNQA logo). Principles: Protecting the integrity of the award process, the program’s intellectual property, and the reputation of the BOE.
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Scenario 2: the answer is …… Any assistance with an organization’s Baldrige Award application would result in a conflict of interest for an examiner. The examiner would be considered an employee of the organization and should list the organization on the Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest form. If the organization reapplies, the examiner would not be permitted to evaluate the application. Examiners advising or participating with an organization in preparing an award application shall not reveal or discuss that participation with other examiners during training or at any other time. Principles: Protecting the promise of confidentiality and the integrity of the award process.
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Scenario 3: the answer is …… No. At no time during Independent Review or Consensus Review should an examiner contact the applicant. Examiners shall not communicate with the applicant organization or in any manner seek additional documentation, information, or clarification. This includes Internet searches or other external sources of information. Examiners shall safeguard the confidences of all parties involved in the judging or examination of current or former applicants. Principles: Protecting the promise of confidentiality and the integrity of the award process.
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Scenario 4: the answer is …… No. Examiners must avoid disclosures that may in any way influence the award integrity or process, currently or in the future, and treat as confidential all information about the applicant. While this information has been publicly released, it is not part of the application, and, therefore, it is not relevant to the evaluation. While potentially interesting, this information should not be discussed and must not be considered in the evaluation. The Baldrige Program does a press and background check on each site- visited applicant. The program shares with the team leader any information that could affect selection as a role model, and the team leader seeks clarification during the site visit. Principle: protecting the integrity of the award process.
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Scenario 5: the answer is …… Yes. Examiners may use the Internet and other sources to familiarize themselves with common or generic terminology. Examiners shall not communicate with the applicant organizations or in any manner seek additional documentation, information, or clarification specific to the applicant. This includes Internet searches or other external sources of information. If questions arise, contact NIST. Principle: protecting the promise of confidentiality.
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | What is a Key Factor? l A key factor is an attribute of an organization or its environment that influences the way the organization operates and the key challenges it faces. It indicates areas of strategic importance. l Examples may include the organization’s mission, vision, and values; strategic challenges; workforce groups and segments. l Key factors do not include descriptions of processes.
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | How Do Examiners Use Key Factors? l To focus assessments on what is strategically important to the applicant. l To activate understanding of the applicants, its business, and the environment in which it operates, resulting in applicant-specific, evidence-based, value-added feedback. l To use in juxtaposition with Criteria items. Key factors are selected thoughtfully in the context of the specific Criteria item.
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Directions to Exercise l Independently, read the Criteria requirements in P.1a-Organzation Environment. l Independently, read P.1a from your organization’s Organizational Profiles. l As a table, discuss the significance of the Key Factors identified for your organization on the matrix and compare them to the KFs for the other two organizations. l As a table, identify additional KFs that might facilitate better understanding of the organizations.
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Six-Step Evaluation Process
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Step 1: Ground yourself in the Criteria item.
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Step 2: Select the relevant key factors for the item.
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Step 3: Read the relevant section of the application.
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Step 4: Draft around six strengths and opportunities for improvement.
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Step 5: Draft feedback-ready comments.
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Step 6: Determine the scoring range and score for the item.
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | UNDERSTANDING “SYSTEMATIC APPROACH”
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Reflection ……….. What did this day mean for you? What did you learn? What are your strengths and opportunities? What are your next steps? What will you change? What questions need to be answered? Seniors/Alumni: What are you going to improve upon in coaching others?