Adapting the Biggs 3P model (1993) for Learning in Pharmacy Practice Boys,R; Kendrew,P; Miller, E. Reflection Advanced and Consultant Level Framework Appraisals 360 degree Feedback Key Performance Indicators Prior knowledge and “learning experiences” Learning styles Motivation (Intrinsic / Extrinsic) Competing deadlines, Size of group, Effective learning Environment, Time, Financial factors Support for teacher and student Access to specialist pharmacy networks and resources Reflective learning OSCE, Exams, Mandatory training, Assignments, Multidisciplinary Team Meetings Collaborative working, Bedside teaching Peer review, Continuing Professional Development Consultant Level Framework General Level Framework Pre-registration pharmacist competenciesProcessProcess Practitioner (formerly Product) Preparation (formerly Presage) Advanced and Consultant Level Framework 2 References: 1.Biggs, J.B. (1999) Teaching for Quality Learning at University, Buckingham: SRHE and Open University Press; 2. Advanced and Consultant Level Framework. Competency Development and Evaluation Group ( accessed ); 3. Continuing Professional Development Cycle. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. ( accessed ) ReflectionPlanningActionEvaluation Aim: To investigate, critically analyse and evaluate Biggs (1993) 3P model of learning in the continuous professional development of pharmacists in the UK. Background: Biggs 3P (presage, process and product) model describes a learning system where various factors determine the process and outcome of teaching and learning in higher education. Biggs’ theory has been applied across a variety of disciplines, however a literature search brought up no reports of application within pharmacy. The Adapted Model : An adapted model has been proposed to support learning and development of pharmacists. A criticism of the original model is that learning was not viewed as a continuous, reflective process. As the Royal Pharmaceutical Society sees reflection as an integral part of the pharmacists learning and development we have adapted the 3P model to take this into account. An important template for the development of this model is the CPD cycle 3. An adapted model is proposed for pharmacy addressing the preparation and process of learning to produce an advanced pharmacy practitioner as detailed in the Advanced and Consultant Level Framework 2. Application of Biggs 3P model to Pharmacy Practice The adapted model supports pharmacist professional development through: A framework for continuous improvement, role specialisation Competence at an advanced level / revalidation Using familiar concepts and language Validity of work based learning Career development A reflective process Learning is brought into the work environment and is not solely based on activities at the higher educational level. Incorporation of a reflective process allows the pharmacist to connect with previous experiences, emotions and feelings which have been shown to influence learning but which are absent from Biggs’ model. Activities and teaching styles can be chosen as demonstrated within the model according to the learner, context and expected outcomes enabling the continuous professional development of pharmacists towards competent, advanced pharmacist practitioners. Summary: An adapted Biggs 3P model incorporating the Royal Pharmaceutical Society CPD cycle 3 and Advanced and Consultant Level Framework 2 provides a supportive structure for lifelong learning in pharmacy practice. BiBi Student Prior knowledge AbilitiesMotivationStudent AbilitiesMotivation Teacher Objectives, Assessment Climate ethos, Teaching Institutional procedures Teacher Objectives, Assessment Climate ethos, Teaching Institutional procedures Learning Focussed Activity Appropriate – DEEP Inappropriate - SURFACE Learning Focussed Activity Appropriate – DEEP Inappropriate - SURFACE Learning Outcomes QuantitativeQualitativeAffective QuantitativeQualitativeAffective Biggs 3P model of teaching and learning (1993) RPSGB CPD Cycle 3