Motivation Motivation is the desire, the interest, the satisfaction, the persistence and the effort that learners have to achieve tasks/ reach goals satisfactorily at the learner, language , classroom and learning levels. An vital factor influencing strategy use (Oxford& Nyikos 1989) Positive connection between motivation level and use of LLS (Yang 1999)
Motivation More motivated learners used extra learning strategies and more frequently (McIntyre& Noels 1996) Integrative and instrumental motivation had a significant effect on learner’s choice of LLS Tamada (1996)
Aptitude Aptitude : The special ability involved in second language learning (Douglous et al 1995). Students can have a good aptitude for learning: - The understanding of the meaning of words in sentences. - The capability to understand and utilize grammatical rules.
Aptitude Memory of key words, what they stand for and how to use them. Successful learners may not be strong in all the components of aptitude and can still succeed at learning a second language. For example, some individuals may have physically powerful memories but only typical abilities in the other components of aptitude (Spada 1999).
Personality Learners emotional states have a powerful influence on their behaviour and performance in the classroom and other learning situations. Personality traits such as extroversion, introversion, risk-taking, independence and empathy have been the basis of discussions and disputes relating to this topic (Ellis 1986).
Personality An out-going personality contributes to language learning (Ellis 1986). Introverts generally perform better academically whereas an extrovert appears more likely to take advantage of social opportunities for second language input (Coleman & Klapper 2005).
Language Proficiency The proficiency of learner influences the LLS choice and use as the more proficient learners use various strategies with greater frequencies Oxford & Nyikos (1987) – causal relationship existed between proficiency self-ratings and strategy use. Students with higher self-perceived proficiency used LLS more frequently.
Language Proficiency Lai (2011) – study on 418 EFL learners in Taiwan found that proficiency level has a significant effect on strategy choice and use. The more proficient learners used more learning strategies than the less proficient students.
Learning Styles An individual’s learning style preferences influence the type of LLS they use. Extroverts show a strong preference for social strategies; introverts use metacognitive strategies more frequently (Ehrman & Oxford 1990) Learners who favour group study tend to use social and interactive strategies (Rossi-Le 1995)
Learning Styles But, Rahimi, Riazi and Saif (2008) found no significant difference of learning style on Iranian EFL learners LLS choices There were qualitatively significant differences between Iranian EFL learners’ perceptual learning style preferences and LLS (Alireza & Abdullah 2010)