Matter, Measurement, and Problem Solving Reliability of Measurement
Reliability of a Measurement Scientific measurement is reported so that every digit is certain except the last one, which is estimated
Sources of Error All measurements contain error Determinant error ◦ Consistent error- i.e. issues with calibration Indeterminate error ◦ Cause measurements to fluctuate around true value ◦ Factors beyond control Air currents, static, etc. ◦ Cannot completely eliminate
Significant Figures in Measurements
Rules for Significant Figures Exact numbers and definitions have infinite significant figures
Practice Identifying Significant Figures meters 1,200,000 g x m x 10 5 nm 25 students cm 19 cm x 10 7 g 13 eggs 2.37 x m 300,000,000 m/s 100 cm = 1 m
Significant Figures in Calculations Two rules- ◦ addition and subtraction Place value of significant figures ◦ Multiply and divide Quantity of significant figures
Addition and Subtraction Rules Result carries same number of decimal places as the quantity with fewest decimal places
Addition Subtraction Practice 2.5 cm cm cm =
Addition Subtraction Practice 416 g g =
Addition Subtraction Practice
Multiplying and Dividing Rule Result contains same number of significant figures as factor with fewest significant figures
Multiplying and Dividing Practice cm x 50 cm x 11.1 cm =
Multiplying and Dividing Practice g / mL =
Multiplying and Dividing Practice 2.31 cm x 1.5 cm=
Multiplying and Dividing Practice 1300 x =
Precision vs. Accuracy Accuracy- how close the measured value is to actual value- how exact it is Precision- how close results are to one another
Accuracy vs. Precision
Percent Error Can apply to single measurement Expresses how much measurement deviates from true or accepted value
Percent Error Practice At a track meet, you time a friend running 100 m in seconds. The officials time her at seconds. What is your percentage error?
Error of Multiple Measurements Precision or reproducibility- calculate average
Standard Deviation How much are the measurements off by?
Example of Standard Deviation