EGI-InSPIRE RI EGI-InSPIRE EGI-InSPIRE RI Community Engagement: Strategy and Result Gergely Sipos Community Engagement1 2-3 July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Outline Objectives Engagement strategy –Mapping to EGI-InSPIRE Results –Key achievements of 4 years –Highlights from PY4 Use of resources Lessons learnt, future plans Community Engagement2 2-3 July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Objectives 3 Enabling excellent science through EGI solutions –Raising awareness of EGI –Technical engagement with potential users and partners –Support the uptake, customisation and extension of EGI solutions Drive this work from EGI-InSPIRE Target groups: –Research Infrastructures –International research collaborations –The ‘long tail’ –SMEs and industry Community Engagement 2-3 July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Engagement process driven by EGI-InSPIRE 4 Excellent science Communication, Marketing, Proactive outreach Technical support Virtual Team projects Outreach Technical engagement Implementation Outcome Activity plan Awareness and interest in EGI services Success cases, tools, champions, etc. Existing solutions User communities Community Engagement 2-3 July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Need for European coordination 5 Several process instance exists at the same time –National and multi-national –Community / NGI / driven Distributed process –Shared responsibilities –Distributed target communities –Distributed competences Long vs. short cycles –Days to years Community Engagement 2-3 July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Approach 6 Engagement strategy – –To define what, why, who, how, when Coordination, implementation and tools from EGI-InSPIRE (+ Service portfolio) NGI International Liaisons Champions Scientific community representatives (UCB) teams Implementation Coordination Technical Tools Collaborating projects EGI-InSPIRE NA2.2-6 NA2.1 NA2.5 Community Engagement 2-3 July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Key achievements of 4 years Community Engagement7 Operational Infrastructure Virtual Research CommunitiesCommunity coord. Excellent science +82 partners: NILs, UCB, Champions (only ~10 FTE from EGI-InSPIRE) +21 Virtual Team projects +251 software registration in the Applications Database +41 multi-national + 26 national new VOs +5 ESFRI VOs ELI, LifeWatch, EISCAT_3D, Km3Net, BBMRI-NL +62 million CPUh in new VOs +680 power users + 80 user groups +100 links among 19 NGIs and 23 ESFRIs support projects for science groups publications received support from EGI 2-3 July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Highlights from PY4 Community Engagement 2-3 July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Engagement stories from PY4 9 ESFRIs, FET flagships Potential long-term impact on EGI Multinational communities ‘Long tail’ (‘Two- pizza teams’) ELIXIR EPOS CTA EISCAT_3D BBMRI CLARIN LOFAR EMSO ELI LifeWatch ICOS VPH BioMedBridges ENVRI MAPPER BioVeL WeNMR DRIHM AgINFRA CMMST LSGC DCH-RP VERCE DCH-RP SuperSites Exploitation Environmental sci. neuGRID PeachNote CEBA Galaxy eLab Semiconductor design Main-belt comets Quantum pysics studies Virtual imaging (LS) Bovine tuberculosis spread Convergent evol. in genomes Geography evolution Seafloor seismic waves 3D liver maps with MRI Metabolic rate modelling Genome alignment Tapeworms infection on fish … Industry, SMEs SixSq Liberologico 100%IT Teamnet Codory Ecohydros InConTec Rasdaman SAC HelixNebula Excellent science Societal challenge Innovation Community Engagement … 2-3 July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Mapping Engagement Stories 10 Excellent science time Communication, Marketing, Proactive outreach Technical discussions Virtual Team projects Outreach Technical engagement Implementation Outcome Activity plan Awareness and interest in EGI services Success cases, new champions, new tools, etc. Existing solutions User communities TODO Community Engagement 2-3 July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Excellent Science 11 Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA ESFRI) –Next generation ground-based very high energy gamma-ray instrument CTA project –Data Management WP with members from NGI-PL and NGI-IT EGI Virtual Team project –Facilitated requirement gathering (science gateway with single sign-on) –Investigated, identified and recommended suitable technologies –Establish links to providers, defined and launched integration activity –Members from 8 NGIs + + Terena Image: Community Engagement 2-3 July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Societal challenge 12 DRIHM: FP7 VRE project –To mitigate risks related to extreme weather Scientific gateway with workflow applications –For data-driven simulations EGI services used: –Coordination of technology providers: IGE, EMI, SCI-BUS, ER-flow –Grid VO + Cloud resources –Model porting and integration support from several NGIs Data repository HPC meteo models HMR Models Windows Models Testbed Citizen Scientists and proprietary software Source: EGI Accounting Portal Community Engagement 2-3 July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Industry example Community Engagement July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Innovation 14 Study electric flow in naphthalene Research team from Belgrade and Basel Aim at better organic semiconductors Support from the Serbian NGI (AEGIS) Model porting and simulation setup Computing and storage resources National VO, federated with EGI tools Science gateway from SCI-BUS FP7 project Image:meharris/wikicommons Community Engagement Publications: N. Vukmirović et al. (2012) Electron-Phonon Coupling in Crystalline Organic Semiconductors: Microscopic Evidence for Nonpolaronic Charge Carriers. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Reaching the middle and long tail 15 Image from Community Engagement Collaboration with science gateway providers: 12 frameworks 40 instances in 4 years SCI-BUS collaboration: 15 gateways in 3 years MoU in March 2012 Community support Training VT participation Service integration 2-3 July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Technical service: Applications Database 16 New additions in PY4: 28 applications 5 tools 3 science gateways 3 workflows 10 middleware 16 virtual appliances Content reuse in PY4: Approx searches 296 Ratings and comments 28 shares in social media Community Engagement 2-3 July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Technical services: Use of resources All partners contributed with unfunded effort too Funding in PY5: –AppDB from EGI-InSPIRE –Training Marketplace from UK funding –CRM discontinues without impact on Engagement 17 Project Year 4Project Year 1-4 ServicePartner Worked PM Funded Committed PM Achieved Funded PM % Worked PM Committed PM Achieved PM % Applications Database IASA + GRNET %> >100% Training MarketplaceSTFC %>2424>100% CRMCSIC + LIP %>2121>100% Community Engagement 2-3 July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Lessons learnt 18 ESFRI communities became ‘e-infrastructure-aware’ only recently –Trend continues across all scientific disciplines –Many new links in PY4. Even more expected in the next years Successful engagement depends on strong partnerships –FP7: BioVeL, SCI-BUS, ER-flow, …, –ESFRI cluster: BioMedBridges, ENVRI Technical engagement requires dedicated effort –Distributed Competence Centre in PY5 Engagement should look at other sectors –Recently started a new VT for business engagement Community Engagement 2-3 July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI PY5 plans 19 1.Facilitate EGI–ESFRI interactions –Combined top-down and bottom-up approach –EGI presence at community events 2.Engagement through the Federated Cloud –Scale-up support through the Distributed Competence Centre 3.Open Call for Use Cases – jointly with other e-infrastructures –Recommendation from BioMedBridges E-infrastructure Workshop 4.EGI Conference with users and technology providers –September 24-26, Amsterdam 5.Improved tools for user engagement and impact assessment –User-oriented EGI portal –Scientific publication tracking via OpenAIRE –User-level accounting for community certificates Community Engagement 2-3 July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Summary Engagement activity at the Pan-European scale would not be possible without EGI-InSPIRE –Successfully established framework, tools and human networks Activities driven by the Engagement Strategy –New document first published in PY4 –Monitoring impact at different levels Broadened and deepened engagement with ESFRIs during PY4 –Trend expected to continue in the next years New opportunities for PY5: federated cloud, DCC Community Engagement July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Questions Community Engagement21 Members of the EGI-InSPIRE collaboration thank the EC for supporting EGI 2-3 July 2014
EGI-InSPIRE RI Training 2-3 July 2014 Community Engagement22
EGI-InSPIRE RI New VOs EGI-InSPIRE Review PY1PY2PY3PY4 Natural Sciences Engineering and Technology11 Medical and Health Sciences3221 Agricultural Sciences1 Social Sciences1 Humanities111 Support Activities6332 Other1111 TOTAL New discipline classification: Defined in PY3 Implemented in PY4
EGI-InSPIRE RI Zoom into Natural Sciences EGI-InSPIRE Review PY1PY2PY3PY4 Computational chemistry11 High energy physics4121 Mathematical physics1 Physics5635 Particle physics723 Astronomy612 Astroparticle physics11 Astrophysics12 Bioinformatics11 Space science513 Astrophysics1 Geophysics1 Programming languages1 Biodiversity conservation1 Computational physics1
EGI-InSPIRE RI New opportunities EGI-InSPIRE Review Management-level meetings between and community representatives ELIXIR – cloud & Virtual Machine marketplace technologies BBMRI – IaaS-PaaS integration LifeWatch – operational tools and Virtual Organisation …
EGI-InSPIRE RI Diversified e-science Able to monitor activities across 337 disciplines –Implemented in VO Management tools –Implemented in Applications Database –Implementation continues in other EGI tools –3-level hierarchical classification system –Used to be only 8 disciplines 26 PY1PY2PY3PY4 Number of new VOs Number of cloud VOs4 Number of disciplines covered (a VO can cover multiple disc.) Community Engagement